Sounds like you and Zann are a very conscientious people.
Wasn't trying to say otherwise. I am sure this guy was a real jerk.
Although, I think I lost a lot of money in Laughlin once too : - )

So, let me put it another way... Even though people, like that jerk,
sometimes show up at your door, don't give up on the rest of us.

Look forward to meeting you both on a hunt some time.....

Jon & Joyce Dongell
IMCA 3922

----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Hupe" <>
To: "Adam" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of Day - October 28,2010

Hi Jonathon,

I encourage new hunters and enjoy being in the field with them.  My
brother-in-law and sister are both new to the hunt. Nothing will replace the smile on my brother-in-laws face when he found his first meteorite last Spring. When Count Guido showed up announced with his first find, I could not help but share in his enthusiasm for such a fantastic new meteorite. I have made many
friends due to the meteorite hunts.

Like treasure hunting, I think it is important that due care and proper ethics are instilled in those new to the hobby. It is important that a strict Code Of Ethics be followed by all of us or this hobby will go the same way as treasure
hunting with most land off  limits. People, like the crazy that showed up
unannounced yesterday seem to be only interested in the monetary value and
little else. They will not listen to a thing I have to say if it is not what
they want to hear. This is what angered Zann into telling him to leave.

I enjoy hunting with the largest manageable groups possible. More often then not, it is the rookies that seem to come up with great finds and there is no substitute for their enthusiasm they share willingly. I remember how excited I was about my first hunts. I still get the same excitement when somebody who has never hunted before joins in. It is that I dislike the crazies approaching me out of the blue. There is a difference between somebody new to the hobby and a money-crazed, eyes glossed over freak showing up at your doorstep unannounced who doesn't believe a thing you tell him because he is an expert from watching
too much TV.

Best Regards,

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