I don't really know, but I'm sure, that right along with the B-2, A-12, F-117A, 
and the YF-22
aircrafts, that the Navy has sub launched stealth missile....
Dennis Miller

> From: joshuatreemus...@embarqmail.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 20:03:13 -0500
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Not a missile -- a jet contrail
> The flight path of a 757 was posted over the Catalina Island area at the 
> time of the contrails by Rob: 
> <http://flightaware.com/live/flight/AWE808/history/20101108/1955Z/PHNL/KPHX> 
> I find that to be very solid evidence for the contrail theory.
> ------------------------------------
> Apparently jet contrails get confused for missles fairly often. If you read 
> the comments at the bottom of the article, they reflect the exact arguments 
> made about the current confusion. It's deja vu all over again. Or it could 
> be George, his wife Jane and their daughter Judy, son Elroy and Astro their 
> dog, celebrating Carl Sagan's birthday.
> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2010/01/27/nl-ufo-military-012710.html#socialcomments
> DND, RCMP mum on UFO mystery
> People who saw a missile-like object soaring through the sky over a small 
> rural community in Newfoundland Monday night are getting no answers about 
> what it was, although police say they'd gotten to the bottom of the mystery.
> Darlene Stewart spotted the object while taking pictures of the sunset over 
> Harbour Mille, a community of about 200 residents on the south coast of the 
> province. She says she started snapping photos.
> She then called her neighbour, Emmy Pardy, and the two women, along with 
> Stewart's husband, say they saw three similar objects flying through the air 
> minutes apart, one up close and two farther off in the distance.
> "I really did get sick to my stomach, I was shaking when I seen it," Stewart 
> told CBC News Wednesday. "We were just in awe of what we seen."
> The photos taken by Stewart show blurry pictures of what appears to be a 
> long, round object, much like a missile, seemingly rising from the ocean, 
> with either smoke or flames shooting out the back end.
> Objects made no noise
> Stewart said the objects didn't make any noise.
> "We confirmed that it was something," Sgt. Wayne Edgecombe told CBC News 
> Wednesday. But Edgecombe said he couldn't reveal what the police 
> investigation uncovered.
> He said the focus of any police investigation is on whether something 
> criminal has occurred.
> "It's nothing criminal," he said, in relation to the unidentified object.
> Edgecombe said he contacted the Department of National Defence and "they 
> gave me some info," but he said that it is up to that department to release 
> the information publicly.
> Defence Department officials said they were aware of the reports, but were 
> waiting on a final report before commenting and that the RCMP were in charge 
> of the investigation. However, the RCMP released a statement Wednesday 
> referring all media inquiries on the subject to Public Safety Canada.
> That department referred inquiries back to the RCMP.
> The sighting has intrigued people in the Harbour Mille area, with some 
> saying they were told by officers who were in the community Tuesday 
> investigating the sightings, that the objects were test missiles launched 
> from the nearby French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.
> Edgecombe said that rumour is completely false.
> The French Ministry of Defence posted a message on its website confirming it 
> had launched a missile from a submarine this week but the time and direction 
> didn't match with what was reportedly seen over the south coast of 
> Newfoundland.
> The suggestion that the object possibly involved the military has Liberal MP 
> Gerry Byrne, who represents the Newfoundland riding of Humber-St. Barbe-Baie 
> Verte, demanding answers.
> "There's a credible body of evidence," Byrne told CBC News, "that suggests 
> there's something spectacular happened off of our shore. Before this goes 
> any farther, I think the government needs to actually respond very quickly 
> with a straightforward, factual statement."
> Was safety in jeopardy?
> Byrne said if it was some kind of military test, then people should be told 
> whether their safety was jeopardized.
> "If indeed this was a man-made object, that it was a missile, was there any 
> potential risk to health and safety from collateral damage should the 
> missile fire have failed?"
> Byrne used the mystery to take a shot at the federal government for 
> proroguing Parliament. He said if the House of Commons was opened, he'd be 
> able to question the ministers of defence, transport and public safety about 
> the incident.
> "It's cloaked in relative secrecy," he said. "And the only way to get around 
> that secrecy is a special institution called the floor of the House of 
> Commons."
> Stewart said Tuesday she has been overwhelmed by the number of calls she has 
> received about the sighting. But she said nobody has told her officially 
> what it was that she saw.
> "I would like to get to the bottom of it," she said.
> Read more: 
> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2010/01/27/nl-ufo-military-012710.html#socialcomments#ixzz14vk9jp00
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