Hello List,

I have been watching something that has been happening for quite
some time now.
In the past there were many complaints re several list members
that were very prolific posters to the list with several to many
posts every day, mostly posting ads as well as corrections to the
ads. Many of the list members got quite irate at them for their
There exists on the list today one who does this, but yet there is no 
outcry. He continues to make several posts everyday and I loose count
of the number of ads per week that are posted by this individual.
There were nine posts on Wendsday and today there were 4 posts from
12:30 (Approx) to not quite 2:30 pm, just under 2 hours.
Does Eric enjoy a protected position on this list such that he is
to post at will whenever he feels the urge to do so???????
I find I no longer care to check my email, for fear of clogging my
with yet more ads.
Does anyone else notice this happening?????
IMCA 1733

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