unique erratic 3 m rock, complex mixed composition, and many possibly related airburst features W of Vaughn, New Mexico: Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.11.26
Friday, November 26, 2010
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As two scientific scouts, Michael Barron and I enjoyed the
92 mile drive Tuesday Nov. 9  from Santa Fe to Vaughn
to check on many craters listed by Dennis Cox,
and more that we had found with Google Earth and Maps.

His Garmin GPS unit gave locations, while I took
a few dozen BlackBerry 3.2 MPx photos of sites there,
and, without crossing fences, we were able to collect
many samples, which we hope to offer for free to
capable experts for analysis.

This introductory report is to be helpful for anyone
who wants to enjoy a preliminary practical guide
for many research opportunities.

I am pleased to evolve a writing strategy that
efficiently uses comments for Google Earth placemarks
to quickly make quite a lot of data available without
getting bogged down and lost in details, yet enabling
others to more easily conduct their own studies.

It is very convenient to simply present and comment
on the flow of findings that day, starting with an
unusual erratic rock on the right side of the road.

09-NOV-10 11:10:48 WP128 3 m rock,
34.600080  -105.342566 1.900 km el,
just S of SR 60 US 285, 8 km W of SR 54,
15 km W of Vaughn, NM,
57 km E of Laguna Del Perro impact field,
unique erratic 3 m rock,
complex mixed composition.

Google Maps gives a clear image,
and its Street View shows it SW
of the S lane in a flat dry landscape.
CR 023 at .15 km E goes NE .6 km to the RR,
which is parallel to the road.

34.588100  -105.378067 1.940 km el pond,
1 x .5 km square, 3.4 km SWW of the 3 m erratic rock,
with about a dozen similar ponds nearby.

34.581125  -105.337425 1.899 km el low --
within fan of complex shallow patterns to
E about 4.5 km wide NS,
with colors from light red brown to blue to white,
SE of 3 m erratic rock.


New Mexico Airburst Scars?
Dennis Cox, November 18, 2010 at 11:54 am,  http://wp.me/pKGTX-gF

" http://craterhunter.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/16.jpg

Beyond apparent patterns of material movements I see in the image data,
I don't know anything about the place.
Field work remains to be done there.
But, unless I miss my guess, at 34.482019  -105.573173
there is a four mile wide, multiple fragment, oblique impact,
geo-ablative airburst scar that may warrant a closer look. "

34.574648  -105.956519,
Laguna del Perro crater field,
30 km NNE by 22 km EES,
NE rim high 1.877 km el of 1 km crater
S of SR 60 and RR,
37 m above the 1.840 km el crater low,
impacts seem to be to the NE -- many craters
in the NE quadrant seem similar
and may be from a complex airburst to the SW.

34.468753  -105.764089 1.894 km el,
round 4.4 km size,
possible light blue ejecta up to 27 km to NE,
towards 3 m erratic rock by NM 60, US 285.

34.490239  -105.573500 1.827 km el,
1 of 3 in an intimate impact cluster,
7 km wide,
with light blue ejecta 14 km to NEE.

34.610855  -105.446259 1.848 km low,
in .8 km size corner of
complex blue white impact feature,
30 m under the 1.878 rim to the NNE.

There are many more possible impact features of all colors and types:

34.458412  -105.708243,
2.076 km high of some 1 km long NE brown ridges,
126 m above 1.950 km el to NW,
in the middle of a dark brown streak
10 km NEE by 3 km wide --
Google Maps shows this streak curves down to the SWW to 33.706  -106.625 --
of course it's hard to be sure of anything in this kind of Jackson Pollack landscape...

34.578347  -105.423486,
1.868 km el low,
a 3 km wide fan of unique radial white streaks in SE quadrant,
couldn't find height difference between white and brown.

34.462856  -105.419650,
2.086 km el high,
54 m above 1.932 km el low to NE,
flat mesa with smooth dark top,
1.6 km size NNE.

34.471910  -105.443089 2.108 km el pond,
.075 km ejecta width,
on smooth dark mesa 4x1.7 km size.

excellent Google Earth and ground views of shallow oval
craters worldwide, Pierson Barretto: Rich Murray 2010.08.22
Sunday, August 22, 2010
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Impact melt formation by low-altitude airburst processes, evidence from
small terrestrial craters and numerical modeling, H E Newsom & MBE Boslough
2008 Mar 2p abstract: Rich Murray 2010.11.17
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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