Hello Matthias, List,

Here is some more information about "Zhongguo gudai tianxiang jilu zongji" (= Complete collection of records of celestial phenomena in ancient China).

The book has 11 sections, including sunspots, auroras, meteor falls, eclipses, novas and supernovas, comets, meteor showers, meteor sightings, and so on. Many sections also have lists of uncertain objects. Running well over 1,000 pages, it includes all official and semi-official reports of celestial phenomena from ancient times to around 1910, as well as well-sourced anecdotal reports.

To put together the sampling I posted, all I did was turn to the section on meteor falls, pick out reports that included a mention of temperature or odor, and translate them.

By the way, although the book claims to be "comprehensive," many celestial phenomena are not included, such as reports of "vapors" that were something other than auroras.

Hope this helps.


Robert A. Juhl, Tokyo (ad...@mac.com)
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