Hi Richard,

An unknown list member wrote a history of the list (of sorts), a while
back.  Here is a link -


Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
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Meteorite Top List - http://meteorite.gotop100.com
EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564

On 11/26/10, Richard Montgomery <rickm...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Howdy List...let's see. I've been peripheral for only a couple years...and
> there's one book I don't have in my library (well a bunch, especially Monica
> Grady's, but I'm still searching...)
> Nope, the one I want to read is a history of this List, all the Peyton Place
> crap which as I am just now coming to understand subjugates so much of the
> heart and soul of you original participants' content.  Just this suggestion
> alone may cause an avalanche of thought and a race to see who can write the
> first worthy List History Book.  As a writer, (yes, really), I simply am
> late to the scene and don't have the personal strories under my belt.  I bet
> there are are a bunch, as we are witnessing lately.
> (I will gladly participate.  Perhaps, write it myself.  Who want's to?
> Write me off-site with stories?)
> And here's another perspective for you all (the Walrus isn't Tom.)
> ....Having rapidly followed this familiar trend
> (irons>chondrites>achondrites,  and landing on achondtrites as my own
> personal facination)...along the way I've also landed on the artistic nature
> of our pals from space, putting it to paper and canvas.
> Tom Phillips is such an amazing artist, unto his own...he has defined a new
> medium that transcends science.  What Tom is doing is ground-breaking on so
> many levels.
> As a recent post asked...."What happened, did I miss something?"
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