VERY Curious... From NASA no less..

QUOTE: "...WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life..."

This is the list of people at the press conference.
Participants are:

- Mary Voytek, director, Astrobiology Program, NASA Headquarters, Washington Dr. Mary A. Voytek, a microbiologist with the U.S. Geological Survey - She studies environmental controls on microbial transformations of nutrients, xenobiotics, and metals in freshwater and marine systems.

- Felisa Wolfe-Simon, NASA astrobiology research fellow, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. ...a background in molecular biology, biochemistry, and phytoplankton physiology to uncover the sequence of events that shaped the evolution of the modern oceans phytoplankton and life itself.

- Pamela Conrad, astrobiologist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Pamela Conrad, an astrobiologist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has traveled to the ends of the Earth to study life. Her main work is on planetary habitability assessment. It focuses on the development of approaches and measurements for assessment of habitability on planetary surface environments and the development of non-invasive optical methods for the in situ "triaging" of potential rock sample targets, including induced native fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy at various excitation wavelengths. She is interested in the short-range remote sensing of chemical biosignitures and the stability and environment distribution of chemical biosignitures.

- Steven Benner, distinguished fellow, Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, Gainesville, Fla.
Molecular biologist
    * Chemical genetics
    * Synthetic biology
    * Paleogenetics
    * Planetary biology
    * Systems biology
    * The connection of natural history to the physical sciences

-     James Elser, professor, Arizona State University, Tempe
Dr. Elser's research involves the integrative field of biological stoichiometry, the study of balance of energy and multiple chemical elements in living systems. While this work is primarily ecological in focus and includes studies of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and biota,

Lots of study in the marine systems area...

Is anyone else excited? ;)


On 11/29/2010 2:56 PM, Patrick Wiggins wrote:
Not sure what this is all about but it seems appropriate to post considering the 
"ET" talk here today.


NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

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