Yes, Martin and Murray you are right that ebay may try to regulate meteorite selling too much and to extremes. I do agree with a simple tweaking of their categories as you both mentioned, and as I mentioned I was just going with the flow on this and making suggestions on the moment and wasn't casting them in stone, but just throwing them out there.

This of course would need a great deal of input and tweaking to make it work and to finalize it, but of course someone must first start with ebay to even get them half way interested in the idea since they don't normally pay much attention to buyers or sellers. It would take some pressure to get them to sit down and listen to our ideas for improvements since they enjoy having panels of employees brain storm and get overpaid for most of their suggestions and changes. They do however sometimes bring in sellers and buyers for ideas and with the big time sellers in the meteorite field I think they might possibly take some suggestions if they were bombarded with suggestions so to speak with cleaning up their meteorite search.

I also dislike weeding through 5,000 meteorite auctions that include make-up, watches and other things that have meteorite in the name. I remember 10 years ago when I first started collecting in 2000 when on ebay you typed in meteorite and it came up with between 500-800 as a total and that even included that crazy meteorite brand make-up and I don't think there were any watches in 2000.

Ah yes, times they have changed.

Have a great evening everyone.

Brian Cox

IMCA # 6387
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