Hi Anne & list,

Has anyone tried camphor blocks?

I have used it for preventing rust on tools in the past but don't know if it 
would be a good idea to try it on meteorites.

Best regards,

Charley Butterfield

"Well, squids don't work. Hey! Let's
  try elephants !"


> Message: 18
> Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 23:07:29 EST
> From: impact...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] List of known Rusters?
> To: meteorite...@gmail.com, meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Message-ID: <4ce.efb0b88.3a2f0...@aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Hello Jason, and all,
> I certainly agree with you when it comes to Dronino and Nantan, I have
> heard them called "temporary meteorites" and that does fit quite well.
> However I have right here a slice of Brenham about a foot across, it came
> from an old collection and it was cut/polished by Al Lang some 20 years
> ago,
> there is no varnish, nothing on it, and not a speck of rust. I know
> Colorado
> is relatively dry, but it was in a much more humid area before coming
> here.
> Same thing with a large end-cut of Brahin, from that same old collection,
> again no varnish or other protection and again, no rust.
> I wonder if the initial care it received right from the discovery does not
> make a much bigger difference than we usually think. For instance I have
> had
> slices of Fukang, some rusted quickly, some never did. Same thing with
> Chinga, Montdieu, Admire. And they were all kept here under the same
> condition.
> The only thing ever used on them (and not all of them) is Bill Mason's
> spray.
> Any other ideas?
> Anne M. Black
> _http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/)
> _impact...@aol.com_ (mailto:impact...@aol.com)
> President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
> _http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/)
> In a message dated 12/6/2010 8:47:23 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> meteorite...@gmail.com writes:
> Hello All,
> I can't speak for its effectiveness, but Rig Universal Grease is still
> available:
> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=rig+rust+removal#q=r
> ig+universal+grease&hl=en&prmd=ivs&source=univ&tbs=shop:1&tbo=u&ei=WaX9TMOYA
> ZCisAPZsay7BA&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCQQrQQwAA
> &biw=1050&bih=676&fp=4488cb887e893d25
> If this is what you're talking about, it doesn't look as though it's
> being discontinued any time soon.
> Also, stay away from Nantan, Dronino, Campo, and
> Muonionalusta...unless they've been professionally treated.  Brahin is
> also cursed, as are Brenham and Admire.  They can supposedly be
> treated to prevent rusting - not having owned any of these meteorites
> because of the horrors I've seen (well, we once had some Nantan, and
> now have several), I again will not comment on the effectiveness of
> these treatments; I've no idea if they work or not.  All I know is
> that all of those meteorites are predisposed to self-destruction.
> Regards,
> Jason
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