Hi John,

As one who is subscribed to MANY lists and the co-moderator of two others I can 
say that such delays "just happen" from time to time.  My posts have even been 
delayed on the lists I moderate.

Never have been able to figure why.

Happily I don't think I've ever had a post that did not go through eventually 
even if it took a day or two.


On 13 Dec 2010, at 19:10, John.L.Cabassi wrote:

> G'Day List
> I'm getting a little frustrated as you can see from my heading. Am I
> doing something wrong? Seems like a certain amount of people's posts
> appear instantly where others have to wait a considerable amount of
> time, and I mean alot of time. I could have walked over to Chris
> Spratt's house and delivered the message in the time it took, well
> actually.... I'm still waiting for it to be posted on the Met List.  
> Art, did I piss you off? Is there some sort of hierarchy going on here?
> Those that respond constantly get the sweet card? I mean, don't get me
> wrong.. it's just so strange that postings can happen in an instant and
> others you can take a whole day before they're posted. So what's going
> on? Do we have a glitch in the matrix?  
> Curious minds want to know. If anybody can shine some light on this, it
> will be much appreciated. Because I'm at my wits end trying to
> correspond with the Met List.
> But apart from that, if this gets through I wish everyone the best of
> the season, be safe and love your family.
> Cheers
> John
> IMCA # 2125
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