The iron meteorite cooling rates generally range from about 1 - 100ÂșC/Myr.
The reason for such slow rates is that the metal cores are buried deeply
within silicate mantles and heat cannot readily escape.  The coarseness of
the Widmanstatten pattern is a function of cooling rate -- more slowly
cooled irons will develop thicker kamacite lamellae.  But there are two
other factors that govern the coarseness of the structure -- the Ni
concentration and the nucleation temperature.  The lower the Ni
concentration in the metal, the more kamacite will develop upon cooling.
Metal that begins to nucleate at a higher temperature will have a longer
period within which kamacite can grow.

Alan Rubin
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California
3845 Slichter Hall
603 Charles Young Dr. E
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1567
phone: 310-825-3202

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