For all of you selling and buying at Tucson we have some updates for you.

First though, we'd like to thank Eric for his very nice comments about Meteorite Times. They are very much appreciated!


1. We are still waiting for Dealer information so the page will continue to be updated every couple of days.

2. There are a few room and other changes this year so please look over the page. I print it out every year and use the front and back for note taking.

3. Because we update the page so often it's easy for your browser to display the copy of the page in your browser's cache instead of the downloading a new copy from Meteorite Times. The page now has a "Refresh Page" button. When you view the page please click the button to load a fresh copy of the page. The page will tell you it has been refreshed.

4. For all those visiting the Tucson Show AND listed under "Enjoying The Show" please make sure you have submitted a comment about attending this years show. All listings that do not have a comment will be removed to shorten the list. If you are listed and wish to add a comment you can reply to this email "Off List" or use the submission form.

5. We have posted all submissions to our Tucson Information Page so please have a look to verify your information and let me know if any corrections need to be made.

Thank you!


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