Hay, Richard,
        That ain't no "cap gun" - them was the days when
MM Steve actually went a packin' 'round the Show. (He
Made He Who's Name Must Not Be Mentioned VERY
        Hell, for all I know Steve STILL packs that sucker
Around the Show.

On 1/16/11 5:56 PM, "Richard Montgomery" <rickm...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> What a crack-up!  Hmmm, with all due respect Chicago Steve, your tee-shirt
> suggests you are flat-lined already (were you still collecting or
> not?).....seems like a poor wardrobe choice knowing MM Steve might have a
> cap-gun on the set.  (MM steve, all that pesky lead from olden-days left
> around in the field....you know how it fusses with our metal detectors)
> Gooder, as we say!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Blood" <mlbl...@cox.net>
> To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 5:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold and Steve Arnnold
>> Hi all,
>>        It is surprising how often, even to this day, some list members
>> Confuse "Meteorite Men" Steve Arnold and "Chicago Steve" Steve
>> Arnold.
>>        Well, I am putting together a book (PDF format only) of all my
>> METEORITE MARKET TRENDS articles since 1997  (Voyage!) through
>> 2010. Well, I just am now working on the March, 2003 article reporting
>> On the 2003 Tucson Show and found a still active link of a photo I took
>> that dramatically illustrates the two different individuals with the same
>> name. See below:
>> http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/1063396649035542431pDVaVP
>>      Any questions? This should clear it up.
>>      Michael
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