Hello Martin and List,

Congrats, Martin, on your Brachinite pairing to NWA 4882. It is such a nice meteorite, can't believe it has been about three years ago that I first got NWA 4882 and STILL haven't offered any publicly. Time flies by too fast... Some many meteorites, so little time!! :-)

Best Regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault -----Original Message----- From: Martin Altmann
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:23 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD: Special: NWA 6349 prov. - a PRIME Brachiniteat a low preferential price

Dear meteorite friends,

As a starter for our new meteoritical year, we chose for our Special a truly
especially convincing offer:

An excellent brachinite.

The class of the brachinites comprises quite heterogeneous members and their
genesis and the kind and history of their possible parent body isn't fully
understood yet, which makes that type so thrilling for the actual research.

To avoid iteration of former discussions and explanations on the
brachinite-group here on the list and in our specials and in fully
recognizing, that no one could better present the different types in such an
up-to-date and comprehensive manner than him, we recommend to consult David
Weir's famous meteorite studies homepage to get an insight into the

With NWA 6349 today an attractive and very elegant representative of its
class climbs in the ring.

As you see already on the pictures, NWA 6349 lacks the brownish tint and
color, which other brachinites commonly share and which you connect with
that type, remembering the illustrations in the books of the classic one,
Eagles Nest.

It is, because NWA 6349 isn't so weathered like the others, but of a still
good freshness.

With several new numbers in the recent 2-3 years - and also the Bulletin
database not yet fully updated with the newer ones, (but also the holders of
samples of them being somewhat scrooge in loading up photos of their
specimens in the EoM), the situation with the brachinites is currently still
somewhat opaque.

We personally believe to see actually  4 complexes:

- NWA 3151, highlighted as the first true BRA from NWA + pairings.
- NWA 5471 & possible pairings
- The stones around NWA 4882 & NWA 5969, the latter the freshest of all
- And let us add, although no brachinites, the recent "brachinite-like"
numbers NWA 5400 et seqq.

There are indications, that our NWA 6349 with its 730g tkw may be a pairing
of NWA 4882.

Here are coming now the slices, as always with one polished side:


Despite the recent numbers and nevertheless, a glimpse in the Bulletin
Database shows, how shockingly rare that type is (and of what for a crucial
importance the NWA finds are for research);

The quality of the NWA 6349 material is evident, the price of the alleged
possible pairings maybe here and there in the back of your mind, so that we
finally think,
that our pricing of 40$ a gram
will make NWA 6349 for the collector & curator
to an especially joyful brachinite.

With our best wishes,

Stefan & Martin

Chladni's Heirs
Munich - Berlin
Fine Meteorites for Science & Collectors


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