Hello Paul and Listers,
This article you had posted is a great read. I would say the market can be 
tricky when it comes to selling those big pallasites found in Kansas. As for 
the article, the landowners chose the deal with Steve Arnold. They had the 
chance to keep some of the meteorite or have Steve sell it for them. As for how 
much the pallasites are worth, that depends on supply and demand and which 
market they are sold in. Because of the large amount that was recovered, I 
could say one could slice up large pieces and sell them to museums, big time 
collectors, and sell smaller ones on eBay. 
As for the peridot goes, gem collectors buy gems and meteorite collectors buy 
meteorites. The only way I could see the peridots selling for any great price 
is by catering to the high end gem market. But again, the high end gem market 
wants diamonds, rubes and emeralds. Not a gem stone from space that was found 
in Kansas on some meteorite hunting show, but from a meteorite collecting stand 
point, I feel that the pallasite slices would do well in the market from a 
meteorite stand point. 
But again the Brenham pallasite has gotten a bad name for its rusting 
properties, and that this meteorite is very common to collectors. I could 
see if Steve or other meteorite dealers preparing the slices in a 
more preservational way which could add a new way market this pallasite. A good 
example was the Brenham that was framed between glass and suspended in oil at 
the Tucson show this year. I think thats one way to market the Brenham 
meteorite and give it some new hope in the pallasite market.
 Shawn Alan 
IMCA 1633 
[meteorite-list] The Trials and Tribulations in Dealing with LandownersPaul H. 
oxytropidoceras at cox.net 
Sun Feb 20 13:47:35 EST 2011 

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Dealing with landowners can have their misunderstandings and 
rocky moments as discussed in "Land deals, meteorites and money" 
by Kim Wilhelm, KWCH 12 Eyewitness News, February 17, 2011 


Paul H. 

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