Hello all,

I've heard the expression--I'd give an arm and a leg for that meteorite--but
i never realized it's True.

While only a collector--(I thank all of you who do hunt) and "right after"
buying a "Real Beauty" from one of you guys, i did notice a very strange
movement on my countertop--i quickely recognized that it was my wallet and
it was quivering and oozing some green stuff that appeared to be what was
left of the money that, moments ago, was inside it. In this case, does anyone think that Rusty Bill could come up with a new formula to reverse his Laurecite problem solver to keep the green stuff in
one's wallet?

IMCA# 1896

----- Original Message ----- From: <wahlpe...@aol.com>
To: <raremeteori...@yahoo.com>; <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Strange things found while hunting
formeteorites : )

Hi All,

Thanks for the great replies.  Speaking about military jets,  Kyle ( My
son) and I were on a Nevada Dry lake bed looking for meteorites when a jet
appeared out of nowhere. The F16 had to be  75-100' off the ground  and
only 300' to the South of us. The jet then traveled 2-3 miles across the
lake and then shot straight up leaving a trail of dust almost like giant
smoke rings as it disappeared. Even if you don't find meteorites while out
hunting, exciting events like these make it all worth the time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com>
To: Adam <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Mon, Feb 21, 2011 8:48 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Strange things found while hunting for
meteorites : )

I can't top the prosthetic leg or the cow suspended on top of a telephone
pole like Sonny found but you can count on strange happenings if you spend
enough time in the desert.One time while climbing a mountain by Area 51,
Dr Ted Bunch, Zann and I were startled by a jet flying below our altitude.
It flew so close to use sideways that I could see the pilots face and
helmet. Needless to say, it was going so fast that we were startled when
it flew by.  Luckily, nobody lost their footing. Ted was angry but Zann
and I found it amusing.    I have been startled by sonic booms several
times by unseen craft. You can actually feel the sound if this makes
sense. The wildlife never ceases to interest me.  It amazing me how tough
creatures and early man have to be to survive desert conditions.  I have
also seen giant cat tracks among other things and would not want to run
into one.Take Care,Adam ----- Original Message ----From: Adam Hupe
<raremeteori...@yahoo.com>To: Adam
<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>Sent: Mon, February 21, 2011 1:08:08
PMSubject: Re: [meteorite-list] Strange things found while hunting for
meteorites : )I have seen what looked like an open grave discovered by
Guido's wife, Joan and Zann.  There was a perfect rectangle dug several
feet deep out in the middle of nowhere.  Perhaps some gangster dug it to
make a point when Vegas was under mob control.  We continue to check it
from time-to-time to make sure it isn't buried over.Caches of old casino
chips have been stashed in secret places throughout the desert.  We were
shown one location where tokens numbered in the thousands with several
rare ones.   They were coming out of concrete, put there in an
unsuccessful effort to destroy them.  It looked like fossil negatives
where they fell out.A four hour hike from our house will take you to a
very old aircraft wreck.  A short hike will take you to petroglypts and a
water fall.I once found a dead turtle with a transmitter hooked to its
back. This was while hiking with Sonny and Rob.We stumbled onto a hidden
dwelling surrounded by bushes with no power or utilities and a sign that
said keep the F--- OUT. We took it seriously and backed out of there slowly. We figured it
was somebody growing product or the kind of lab that one would not want to
deal with.We found a stolen SUV hidden in a canyon and reported its GPS
coordinates to the police. One time, I was startled by a dog running up to
me in the middle of nowhere with six pack of beer strapped around its
neck.  I then met the toothless owner who told me not to be afraid because
"Buddy" or "Bud" for short doesn't bite very hard or all that often.  He
then drank one of the beers and offered me one. I think I was more afraid
of the owner than the dog.Happy
Hunting,Adam______________________________________________Visit the
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