Hi Greg and List,

Pat is a chemist by trade and I do not know all of the specifics
regarding his process.  But I have seen the results first-hand and I
know of at least two other list members (both IMCA members and
respected dealers - one of them a long time veteran) who have used
Pat's process and have been delighted with the results.  The large
Campos on my website are priced higher than the market average because
of their superior stability.  A few potential buyers have balked at
paying a higher premium, because of the reputation that Campos have
for being rusters.  But, I have also sold over a dozen of Pat's big
irons to all four corners of the world - including some very humid
climes.  Every buyer is now a believer in Pat's process.

As all of us know, rusting is major issue with many irons and
pallasites.  There are a number of methods floating around on the web
for stabilizing sick meteorites.  Some involve chemicals, some involve
a vacuum chamber, some involve electrolysis, and others use a
combination of those methods or something completely different.
Whatever Pat is doing, it works amazingly well and he is "on to
something".  He is keeping his exact methodology close to his chest
and I don't really blame him for that - so I have never tried to pry
his method out of him.

But I can say this without reservation - I may not be the most popular
guy on the List, but I'm no fool and I know when something works and
when something does not.  Contact Pat and give his method a try.  His
fee is very reasonable and he is a super guy to deal with.  Once word
finally gets out about him, he is going to have more work than he can


Best regards,


On 2/22/11, Greg Hupe <gmh...@centurylink.net> wrote:
> Hi MikeG and List,
> Mike, can you explain a little about what Pat does in the process to
> stabilize rusting meteorites. We have talked about the Reverse Electrolysis
> Process on this List in the past a couple times, is this part of Pat's
> method?
> Thank you in advance!
> Best Regards,
> Greg
> ====================
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> gmh...@centurylink.net
> www.LunarRock.com
> IMCA 3163
> ====================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Gilmer
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:06 AM
> To: JoshuaTreeMuseum
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The Trials and Tribulations in
> DealingwithLando wners
> OR, put the Admire masses through the Pat Mulvany process, which will
> render them completely stable on par with Esquel or the world's most
> stable pallasites.
> Admire is a pretty meteorite, and once the rusting issue is taken care
> of, it can stand on it's own against other pallasites.
> No need to dissolve them in acid and try to sell the gemstones as jewelry.
> Doubt Pat's process?  That's fine - hang on to your rusters until they
> fall apart.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
> Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
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> Meteorite Top List - http://meteorite.gotop100.com
> EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
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