Dear Carl,
        No, please accept my apology. I have been quite ill and am still
More than a bit curmudgenly and snapped at you like an old dog.
        We are all friends here and my snipittyness was unfortunate
And regrettable.
        Best to all, Michael

On 2/25/11 9:48 AM, "Met. Carl Esparza" <> wrote:

> Michael,
> First and foremost I would like to apologize if I offended you.
> I am truly sorry you felt the need to say these things because I meant nothing
> personal. 
> The fact that people favor certain things in collecting was recently discussed
> right here on this list and we all know that "hammer" would be your favorite
> feature in a meteorite. I like hammers too and people have asked me why we did
> not collect or even photograph the dead animals at the scene of the Carancas
> fall. Well, to be honest, my crew never thought of it. I think it may have to
> do with cultural issues. Our team was mostly Bolivian Catholics.  Enough said.
> Apparently there would have been a market for those dead animal parts but, I
> guess we missed an opportunity there. I had no idea.
> As far as *taste* is concerned. I will leave that judgement alone.
> And finally, I have no problem understanding people's
>  willingness to pay high dollars for Gems from space. What my biggest problem
> with this concept had only to do with "consumer trust".
> These Gems could never be scientifically verified. Or could they at a
> reasonable cost?  That's all. EBay would be flooded with fake Peridot from
> space with "certificates of  Authenticity". which can be printed by anybody.
> It could say something like; " I found this meteorite in Kansas and melted the
> metal away myself so, I certify these as authentic Gems from space". As I
> pointed out. there are others that already say this but, in their case it
> happens to be true. I am sure Keith and Dana are legit but there will be
> hundreds of posers to follow.
> In fact it would not surprise me if we begin to see other dead bugs on EBay as
> well. 
> Again, nothing personal and please accept my apology.
> Carl 
> --
> Carl or Debbie Esparza
> Meteoritemax
> ---- Michael Blood <> wrote:
>> Carl,
>>         I was the lucky winner of the only in tact body of a death caused
>> By meteorite strike. I would have paid MUCH more, had the bidding
>> Warranted it. However, there was only one other bidder and he,
>> Apparently did not value it nearly as highly as did I. He could have
>> Jump bid $200 and I would have been in hot pursuit. (You sound as
>> Though you failed to read the documentation that an entomologist confirmed
>> Recent death as indicated by limb flexibility..... But then perhaps you
>> Also saw that as irrelevant...). That body will not be for sale at any price
>> While I live and breath. (Well.... I might part with it for the balance of
>> My mortgage - but would always pine after it)
>>         As for the implication that faceted gems from meteoritic paradot
>> Is NOT worth a great deal, well, once again that is a demonstration
>> Of the differences in value people place on "things."
>>         As my wife frequently says, "There is no accounting for taste."
>>         I would add, "Anyone who disparages another for his/her taste
>> Is lacking both in understanding and in manors."
>>         Thus Spake Zarathustra.
>>         Michael
>> On 2/24/11 9:16 AM, "Met. Carl Esparza" <> wrote:
>>> Adam,
>>> Forgive me but I had to Google this termite sale to believe it.
>>> All due respect to you Adam I just think this is great.
>>> I was at the auction and I wondered at the time why anyone would pay $70.00
>>> for a dead termite carcass.
>>> Now I know. This poor termite probably never saw it coming? RIP.
>>> No doubt this was found at the scene but if it was killed by the fall then
>>> why
>>> is it not squished?
>>> Too funny. 
>>> If somebody would pay for a "termite found dead" at the scene of a meteorite
>>> fall. maybe someone would pay high dollar for Steve's gems from space?
>>> Has the whole world gone NUTS?
>>> Hey, I once sold a cheap African Rhino horn bracelet for $3K on ebay. I
>>> don't
>>> know why but two people wanted it at the time.
>>> To each his own.
>>> Carl
>>> --
>>> Carl or Debbie Esparza
>>> Meteoritemax
>> --
>> "Teachin' a pig to dance is a waste of time and it irritates the pig"
>> Mark Twain
>> --
>> 1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
>> 2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
>> Shaquille O'Neal

"Teachin' a pig to dance is a waste of time and it irritates the pig"
Mark Twain
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
Shaquille O'Neal

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