Hello Listers and night owls or morning people

I agree about signing ID cards. I always sign the back of the card, with the 
weight of the fragment and also I print my name and put my IMCA number. I like 
to use double sided matte paper and I find 50 to 61 lb weight works well. But  
I wish I could find heavyer paper any LISTERS know of any good matte type white 
paper that has a high weight lets say about 80 lb plus white minimal texture in 
the paper?
[meteorite-list] Meteorite Cards SUGGESTION
Richard Kowalski damoclid at yahoo.com 
Fri Mar 4 20:37:24 EST 2011 

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Forgot to mention I like the cards I get from dealers to be signed as well. I'm 
signing mine. 

Richard Kowalski 

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