Hi Count and all,

I am sure the media isn't doing this to up their viewing audience. After a disaster there are always rumors that floating around and hearsay by people who are not in the know. If I see the Japanese Government or engineers from the reactor giving out warnings then I'll take this seriously. Agreed they don't need this mis-reporting by the media who usually is interested in upping it's viewing audience to spread other propaganda.

Best to all.

--AL Mitterling

Mitterling Meteorites

----- Original Message ----- From: "Count Deiro" <countde...@earthlink.net>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 11:19 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Read it and laugh!

Dear List,

The suffering Japanese have enough "real" threats and consequences to shoulder without the added fear and panic being spread about a possible "nuclear meltdown" in the media.

No reactor has "disappeared". Nobody, not even the guys in the white smocks on scene, has been exposed to a level of radiation remotely harmful. Nor will they be. They did get knocked on their butts when the quake hit and the exterior "hall" subsequently blew because of accumulated hydrogen/oxygen.

The USA did not send any cooling "material" to the scene. A bald faced lie by Clinton.

The evacuation ordered is to cover the power consitorium and the government's ass from the inevitable flood of liabilty claims that will inundate the courts after this tragic event runs it course and the lawyers crawl out from under the tables and things begin to return to normal.

Read the sensational headlines implying nuclear Armageddon has already occurred and then peruse the body copy. Without fail the stories are prefaced by the qualifiers.."May","Could","Might". Nothing definite. All supposition and cynical fear mongering.

Stay calm,

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536

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