We were not allowed to keep anything other than really the clothes on our backs 
and our luggage (except Robert's brand new metal $1200 case, they decided that 
was just a little too nice). 

I lost my Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Satellite phone, camera, 3 GPS units, and many 
other items. It seems Ipods are mining gear. 

I estimate more than $10,000 in my own gear alone, not to mention all camping 

Total financial cost to me of this trip is now well over $30,000 with lawyers, 
plane tickets, car costs etc. Cell phone bills of more than $4000 as all calls 
from Oman were made on my Iphone.  Loss at the Tucson show more than $50,000 
down from last year's sales. 

Other costs such as fear to me and my family are not possible to calculate. 

I had found 3 pieces of the Dhofar 1180 Lunar meteorite on this trip, more than 
2 km from the original find site, exciting as now a confirmed strewnfield. When 
the police took us into custody and began looting our cars, all meteorite bags 
were dumped out, all scientific data lost for about 50 % of the meteorites 
since they mixed them up. 

I saw the three Lunar meteorites get dumped into a pile of rocks them trown in 
a trash bag. I tried to stop the police from mixing them all up but they 
laughed and told me to shut up. 

Oman could care less about their meteorites. I am sure they were likely thrown 
into a dumpster to tell you the truth.

We found more meteorites in 10 days than the Omani/Swiss team usually find in 3 
weeks with 5 times the people. But I guess they need it all for themselves. 

I missed most of you at the gem show, but no matter, will be in Ensisheim and 
Saint Marie aux Mines show in France in June, see all of my European friends 
there. Tucson 2012 will arrive before we know it and I will try too avoid a 
trip just before that show:)

I want to thank so many who dropped everything, taking the 3 am phone calls 
from Oman, paying the bills, doing the gem show for me, and doing everything 
needed to keep my wife busy and focused on getting by alone. 
You all know who you are. 

Michael Farmer

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