Dear Rob,

thank you so so much for sharing these photographs as well as these 2001 posts! 
Very informative.

Gary, you are right, must be #0098 then!

I will do more research and update my S-A page accordingly 


The Tricottet Collection
(Historic Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)
Facebook: The Tricottet Collection
Twitter: TricottetColl

> From:
> To:;
> Subject: FW: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of Day - March 16, 2011
> Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 21:30:19 +0100
> Hi Arnaud (and List),
> The label talk reminded me of a Sikhote Alin Label discussion we had on this
> List about 10 years ago (how time flies...)
> As the List archives "only" go back to 2004, I added two of the Emails
> below. I think they contain information that may be of interest to you.
> Not all of the links in there are working, but I reloaded mine.
> Here are some more photos of labeled  S-A's, I collected back then (the
> photos!).
> Don't remember the sources. I hope the owners will forgive me posting
> without asking permission:
> Best regards,
> Rob Lenssen
> PS: For those interested, here are some more recent photos of my best
> Sikhote Alin:
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van:
> [] Namens The Tricottet
> Collection
> Verzonden: woensdag 16 maart 2011 16:22
> Aan: Gary F; Michael Johnson
> CC: MeteoriteList
> Onderwerp: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of Day - March 16,
> 2011
> First thank you all for your nice comments.
> Gary, I thought the same thing but I would not trust their typewriters. You
> can see for example that they used the letter "I" instead of the number "1"
> for that specimen:
> Or maybe the "8" is stretched because of the soft sticker.
> Moreover, it seems that all early numbers are very large masses.
> Best regards,
> Arnaud
> The Tricottet Collection
> (Historic Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)
> Facebook: The Tricottet Collection
> Twitter: TricottetColl
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van:
> [] Namens
> Verzonden: zondag 4 november 2001 5:19
> Onderwerp: [meteorite-list] Numbering of Meteorites + Krinov Book [long]
> Dear Dave, Rob, Steve, and List:
> I'd like to return to the thread from a few days back, when Dave Harris, Rob
> Lenssen, Steve Schoner and I were discussing labels on some "old collection"
> Sikhote-Alins. Collection numbers interest me, so I've done a bit more
> research over the past few days.
> Just to recap: Dave and I both recently acquired nice, uncleaned and
> slightly rusted Sikhotes from Rob Wesel (thanks Rob). They carry a white
> gauze label, with four-digit typewritten collection numbers. 
> Steve Schoner was quite certain these are Russian National Academy of
> Sciences numbers, and Rob provided some useful info and photos, and also had
> a labelling question (I think I have your answer, Rob, see below). However,
> the actual numbers on our specimens don't match Krinov's numbers, so there
> was some doubt.
> First off, Rob, in style the labels do appear to match the photos you
> supplied here:
>   and here: 
> I find it odd that specimens with really low numbers, like the one in Rob's
> photo "0067," and mine "0112," were evidently not collected during the first
> expedition to Sikhote-Alin, due to the light coating of rust. You would
> expect the really low numbers to have been from the earliest expedition (and
> therefore to be in nearly pristine condition), but I suppose they could have
> been numbered out of order at a later date -- back in Moscow or St.
> Petersburg. Or maybe they 
> were just left outside in an old crate somewhere   : )
> Anyway, I have to agree with Steve S., and I think I've found proof that
> these are official Russian labels. Earlier this year, I had the good fortune
> to acquire a signed copy of Krinov's book about Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin.
> This book used to belong to Dr. Elbert King, and I ended up with it thanks
> to Steve Arnold of I.M.B. The book is
> (obviously) in Russian and, as far as I know, has unfortunately never been
> translated into English. My very basic Russian is not up to the task. The
> title reads (phonetically) "Zhelezny Dozhd," and the cover is a two-color
> reprint of the famous Sikhote-Alin stamp. On pg. 54 of the book -- published
> in 1981 -- is a b/w photo of a Sikhote-Alin specimen which appears to carry
> the same type of label. I know it's a terribly bad quality image, but you
> should have seen it before I cleaned it up in Photoshop  : )
> Have a look:
> Compare the b/w image to the color pic of my Sikhote-Alin "0112," 
> immediately below on the same page.
> Steve, if you have time, it would be most interesting to see a photo of one
> of your Sikhotes with the labels that you know to be from the Russian
> Academy.
> Finally, Rob asked if anyone could help him to identify the label on his
> collection piece here:
> Rob, please compare your photo to the bottom picture on my page:
> My photo is of a piece of Chico Hills, New Mexico (H4). The yellow and black
> collection number appears to match the one on your specimen, and is from the
> Herb Obodda Collection. Herb was a well-known mineral collector, who also
> had a substantial meteorite collection. Allan Lang of R.A. Langheinrich
> Meteorites provided me with this specimen, and the information about the
> collection labels (thanks Allan). Hopefully that answers your question. BTW,
> the other label is from the Barbara Curatin Collection (not sure about the
> spelling of her name).
> Okay, I hope I haven't put the rest of you to sleep, but hopefully Dave and
> Rob are happy.
> Regards,
> Geoff N.
> Show your support at the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund -
> 56648
> _______________________________________________
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van:
> [] Namens Rob Lenssen
> Verzonden: donderdag 1 november 2001 22:03
> Onderwerp: Re: Re: [meteorite-list] numbering of meteorites
> Hi Dave,
> It's not that I want to spoil your party, but I also own a
> Sikhote-Alin-with-a-label, and just like you did some research.
> This is what I found:
> Krinov's book "Giant Meteorites" contains a great section about the
> Sikhote-Alin meteorite shower. There are nice pictures like this one
> ( ) of some of the 313 unfragmented
> whole single specimens found during the 1947-1950 expeditions. It also
> contains a complete list of all specimens found, including their Soviet
> Academy of Sciences inventory numbers. They are all four digit numbers
> starting at least with a "1". Lots of 1600-numbers though.
> In the journal Chem. d. Erde (15 Chem. Erde Bd. XXIX; in German) dated 1970
> (Walter Zeitschel kindly provided me with a copy 6 years ago), Dr. Krinov
> also reports about the 1967-1969 expeditions. Also some pictures here like
> this one ( ). Also two and three
> number digits this time. Krinov reports about 958 more unfragmented whole
> single specimens found. He talkes about good preservation of the crust,
> although also having brown color due to oxidation. More expeditions were
> expected to follow (1970 and later).
> Dave, your typewritten '0086'-number on a "look like linen"-label, reminded
> me of a picture a saw in a dealers catalog ("Catalog and handbook of
> meteorites") I received in 1992. Does your sample look like this number
> "0067", I scanned from the catalog:
> ?
> I don't know it's origin, but it certainly does not have the surface quality
> of the 1947-1950 Krinov finds.
> No answers here, but I hope you appreciate the information.
> I am also still looking for information on the origin of my sample (
> ,
> ,
> ). I bought it from Eric
> Twelker from "meteoritemarket" + like it very much. It does not look be
> wire-brushed or chemically cleaned. Trying to find some info, I sent an
> Email to the curator of the Soviet Academy of Sciences collection two months
> ago, but did not get an answer (yet).
> Anybody else who can shed some light here?
> Rob Lenssen
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Dave Harris <>
> Aan: <>; metlist
> <>
> CC: Rob and Colleen <>
> Datum: donderdag 1 november 2001 19:53
> Onderwerp: Re: Re: [meteorite-list] numbering of meteorites
> >Hi Geoff!
> >Wow! That's some detective work - amazing!!
> >And that's also some provenance too!  Wasn't Krinov the first 
> >investigator of the Tunguska event? I know that name...
> >I am totally in love with that SA anyway - it was on the original eBay 
> >advert - I recall showing it to a (rather bored) colleague at work saying "
> >that's m'boy! I want that one!", but obviously, not being in the 
> >running
> for
> >the whole collection I thought it impossible I would procure it - then 
> >the inestimable Mr. Wesel swoops in from no where and scoops the lot 
> >and
> whaddya
> >know! I get the chance to buy it!
> >I prevaricated for a day - had I not I would have had your one too!!!
> >So, a multitude of thanks to all of those involved - you, Steve Schoner 
> >(a name I have seen an awful lot on the list!) and Rob Wesel for giving 
> >me the opportunity to purchase this breathtaking specimen!
> >it's gone to a great home!
> >
> >dave
> >
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <>
> >To: <>
> >Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 4:14 PM
> >Subject: Fwd: Re: [meteorite-list] numbering of meteorites
> >
> >
> >> Steve Schoner posted:
> >>
> >> >These are original Soviet Academy of Sciences labels.  That is the 
> >> >way the did it, and I have in my collection two pieces that were 
> >> >sent to me by the late Dr. Krinov in 1972 with the same type
> >> >labels--
> >>
> >> Holy cow! I was hoping they were maybe Russian labels, but I had no
> >evidence.
> >>
> >> Steve Schoner should know -- he is quite the expert (and a very nice 
> >> guy). This is very exciting. Okay, so if you ever decide to get rid 
> >> of that Sikhote, I'm your customer  : )
> >>
> >> Best,
> >>
> >> Geoff N>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >Show your support at the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund -
> 56648
> >_______________________________________________
> >Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> Show your support at the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund -
> 56648
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