A successful round-about mission around Mercury by NASA would 'hopefully' PROVE a few of our bucks is worth the 'Investment'!!!

Best Regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 3163

-----Original Message----- From: Richard Kowalski
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 3:26 AM
To: Meteorite List ; Sterling K. Webb
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The Human Presence in the Solar System


A Golden Age INDEED!

A number of years ago I was discussing a dear friend and mentor's career over another fine dinner and many bottles of fine wines.

I lamented how exciting it must have been to be involved in Planetary Science through the 70s & 80s and that I had missed it. He immediately responded that we were now in a much more exciting time and the future was more exciting still.

I've come to appreciate his perspective and agree that we are in an incredible period of the exploration of our Solar System. Unfortunately one that could be in severe danger. As was reported recently, major missions are at risk of cuts and cancellation. I hope most of you on this list, regardless of your political stripe, believe that this exploration is important and should continue. The only way to make this happen is to make your opinions heard, and I don't mean on this list.

Contact your Representative, Senator and the President. They are the ones putting this Golden Age at risk...

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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