yes, you did give away one of your secrets...
But for the pleasure of some... :-)

I have been searching the BNF for quite some time, but always in French.
Stupid of me...
I just heard that they are going to put much more documents online
in the coming year, a partnership with an American firm.

Please, listers, do respect the non-commercial use of the documents
you download, or ask for permits !
or this would be another wasted source of knowledge...

Thanks again Mark, I will look more into the Philosophical Transactions...

Michael B.

From: Mark Grossman
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 3:35 AM
To: Michael Bross ; Mark's Meteorites ; e-mail ensoramanda
Cc: ; martin goff
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Paper on the historic Rowton (UK)ironmeteorite fall required

Not many people know about the BNF.

Guess I gave away one of my secrets :-)

Thanks for the nice words.


Mark Grossman
Meteorite Manuscripts

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Bross" <>
To: "Mark Grossman" <>; "Mark's Meteorites"
<>; "e-mail ensoramanda" <>
Cc: <>; "martin goff"
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Paper on the historic Rowton (UK)ironmeteorite
fall required

Thanks Mark !

I have been enjoying your links in the past year.
I didn't know the BNF had the Philosophical Transactions !

Btw, here are other archives, you might know already...

Thanks again !
Michael B.

From: Mark Grossman
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 2:31 AM
To: Michael Bross ; Mark's Meteorites ; e-mail ensoramanda
Cc: ; martin goff
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Paper on the historic Rowton (UK)ironmeteorite fall required

Yes,  it is one of the few places on the web that has all of the older
Philsophical Transactions.


Mark Grossman
Meteorite Manuscripts

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Bross" <>
To: "Mark Grossman" <>; "Mark's Meteorites"
<>; "e-mail ensoramanda" <>
Cc: <>; "martin goff"
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Paper on the historic Rowton (UK)ironmeteorite
fall required

Great link, Mark

The French equivalent of the Library of Congress.
Frankly surprised to see this, in English, there...

The document (or part) can be downloaded (icon on the top right)
A pop-up window will appear, be sure to check this box here:
(= I agree not to use this document for any commercial purpose)
Please respect this waiver.

Pour une réutilisation non commerciale du contenu
En cochant cette case, je reconnais avoir pris connaissance des conditions d'utilisation non commerciale et je les accepte

and you will have to wait some time depending on your internet connection

Good luck !
Michael B.

From: Mark Grossman
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 1:48 AM
To: Mark's Meteorites ; e-mail ensoramanda
Cc: ; martin goff
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Paper on the historic Rowton (UK)ironmeteorite fall required

Go to the following link, select page 885, and you should be able to read
the article on line.

Mark Grossman
Meteorite Manuscripts
Briarcliff Manor, NY

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