My web site is now back online, its been unavailable for about 3 months, and is now with a new web hosting company.

Check out the what's new page for 'recent' to the web site that is, at

Its some time since I mentioned the web site on meteoritecentral so I am repeating the background information here...

The web site provides over 10,000 pages of information, 1281 articles, representing about 400 meteorite falls/finds and numerious reports of meteor showers and individual fireballs. The content was originally published on 3 CDs between 1998 and 2003, but is now freely available online and has been extended as additional items and time become available.

The content is 69% in English, German makes up 19%, with French 11.5% and Spanish 0.5%.

The original texts have been scanned, and are viewable on screen as 'photocopies'. At the top and bottom of each page are options to go forward to the next page, back to the previous page, or start at the first page. In addition the larger articles and books allow you to start at a particular
page number, or use an index.

Becuase of copyright restrictions almost all of the articles, reports and books are pre 1923 (USA copyright) or 70 years after death of author (UK)


Eric Hutton.
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