one ams report was submitted from VA that matches the time. so maybe
it wasn't the storm. kind of an odd report...

Timezone = EDT
fireball_date = 2011-04-16 18:48:00
time_type = DaylightSaving
record_date = 2011-04-17 12:33:07

location_name = South four mile run drive arlington, VA 22204 United States
lookingDirection =316.8481150277513
movingDirection = UpRightToDownLeft

initial_az =320.8778031462096
initial_alt = 50
final_az =218.04752709661315
final_alt = 45

Magnitude = >-13
Brightness = Greater_than_the_full_moon
Duration = >10
Color = White
Train = I dont know
Train_Duration = 120
Train_Color = White
Train_Length = 20
Train_Remarks = Observed a bright fireball, with long contrail about
three or more diameters of the moon through a break in the clouds.  At
first I thought it was an aircraft but then realized it was moving at
very high speed--it was the fastest object I have even seen. Object
was leaving a very bright white contrail which dissipated rapidly,
vapor trail was whitish gray in color.  At the mid point in the
observation, the object increased to a very bright point and appeared
to break up into at least point sources, but they continued moving to
the south until obscured by the cloud deck.  My wife and I observed
the object continue south through a second break in the clouds until
we could no longer see it.  I am retired USAF and have had
astronomical training in college.  This object appeared to be above
100,000 feet in altitude, made no detectable sounds.  Apparent speed
was above Mach 6, perhaps higher, since the total period of
observation was approximate 2 minutes--the object crossed half the
fragmentation = Yes
Terminal_Flash = No
Concurrent_Sound =
delayed_sound =
sonic_remarks =
general_remarks =
bolide_notes =Object went from a dark point source to a very bright
point about as bright as an arc welder, this lasted about two seconds,
the object appeared to break into two objects, which dimmed back to a
dimmer point and continued for another thirty seconds until obscured
by the cloud deck

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Mike Hankey <> wrote:
> I witnessed this too. There was a massive storm that rolled through
> the north east last night. It was most likely lighting from the storm.
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:38 AM,  <> wrote:
>>>>The light was so intense I saw it  through my closed eyelids indirectly
>> reflected
>> off the walls inside  walls.  4-5  seconds later "(flash-to-bang) was a
>> huge
>> rumbling,  echoing, and persisting  report-- very unlike a normal
>> lightening and
>> thunder event.  Given we  were in the midst of an intense rain  storm which
>> otherwise had no  thunder and lightening, I held off on  making a report .
>> However in a  conversation with a friend  who was 25-30 miles away, he
>> mentioned
>> a huge  flash and loud sound  also. I am therefore mentioning it should a
>> fireball  have fallen  during a rainstorm and might other-wise go
>> unnoticed.>>
>> It seems to  me that to hear loud sonics  within about 5 seconds after the
>> bright lite  appearance, is rather too short of a period to be meteorite
>> related. It could be  I guess, but it just seems too short.
>> GeoZay
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