Hi Tom and all,

I understand and totally agree. However, for those that are a lot less
shy than me it could be a great tool.

Here's why, if you can type, you can make a animated movie, and the
first one is free! All you do is type in the words you want your
character to say and the program does the rest.

My video took me 15 minutes to copy and paste text from my site onto
theirs. Then  I selected the scene, character, and clicked finish.

check out their website here:

On 4/17/11, Tom Randall (KB2SMS) <tommy2...@hvc.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi Ruben and list!
>      Good video! Although (NO offence meant of coarse!) I would re-do
> it using your real voice instead. The computer generated voice is
> hard to understand at times for some people.
> Regards to all!
> Tom
> ----
> Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!
> http://home.roadrunner.com/~kb2sms/
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Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

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