No fakes in my collection!

Well that's not entirely true.

Mike Gilmer recently sent me some really cool looking iron meteoerwrongs but he identified them as such!

Thanks Mike. I really don't collect meteorwrongs but they are interesting in their own right. There is a thread on one of the cloudy nights forums concerning a certain book which is passed from one amateur astronomer to another. The only requirement is that the person obtaining the book send it to someone else. No money exchanges hands - just the book.

Anybody want to see these iron "wrongs." Just email me and I will send them along but you have to do the same for someone else.

-Walter Branch

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Blood" <> To: "Walter Branch" <>; "Meteorite List" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ANSWER - whole stone concerns

       I think all of you are right. Therefore, you should all send me
Your entire meteorite collections - then I will be stuck with any and
All fakes in your collections.
       Just trying to be helpful, Michael

On 5/8/11 5:17 PM, "Walter Branch" <> wrote:

Hello Michael,

It really is not that easy.  As this example illustrates, even honest
dealers can be duped.  I purchase meteorites from a very small list of
dealers.  Very small.  I have done business with some for 15 years; two I
started buying from this year.  All have earned my complete trust.


While I trust these dealer to not intentionally dupe me, how do I know they trust their sources and they have done their due diligence in the same way I

As an example, I applaud Anne Black for setting the example of providing
provenance for her meteorites but how am I assured the person who sold a
given specimen it to Anne did what Anne and I would have done? BTW, I trust

I sold some meteorites recently.  I listed the dealers I purchased the
meteorites from. I sold one last week that I obtained from Matt Morgan. I told the purchaser I got it from Matt. Did Matt vett his source, as I have done Matt? I don't know. Did the person before them? I don't know. BTW,
I trust Matt.

Remember the, what was it, sandstone dinosaur egg incident?

As we can see, the chain of custody can become quite complicated.

I have been concerned for a long time now about this sort of thing
happening.  The surprising thing to me is that it did not happen sooner.

This whole incident is really getting to me. I have had it on my mind all

-Walter Branch

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Blood" <>
To: "Richard Montgomery" <>; "Meteorite List"
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ANSWER - whole stone concerns

How can I be sure that
any whole stone be properly labeled as classified?
       We have only been saying this on the list since
The list began: Buy from a dealer known for honesty
And integrity.

       God bless the IMCA and the hard workers of the
Board BUT I do not consider an IMCA number to be
The equivalent of "honesty and integrity." I know an
example where two new dealers applied. One was accepted
The other was told to, essentially, get some more experience
Under his belt. Well, I knew him personally as a person
Of honor. The irony was I also knew the other "dealer" and
That individual had attempted to increase price on me
AFTER I had sent money for a new fall.  Between the
Two, there was no question in my mind in whom I would
Have confidence. So, no, I do not consider an   IMCA logo
Sufficient in and of itself to "guarantee" authenticity. (I
DO consider it sufficient to pursue action if I am defrauded,

       Additionally, failing to KNOW people who have long
Standing honorable dealings - such as ET, Mike Farmer,
Anne Black, Geoff Notkin, etc, etc, etc, then I would take
An unknown IMCA member over an entirely unknown
entity. In fact, I would not deal with an entirely unknown
Entity again - unless I KNEW what I was getting was
What I was paying for through other sources than the
Seller. (IE I could see by looking at it, it has distinctive
Features unique to that fall, the seller bought his stash
From someone I know, etc).

       So, the answer to your question is simple: Buy only
From dealers you know AND TRUST or, at the very least
from IMCA members.

       Warm regards, Michael

On 5/8/11 8:54 AM, "Richard Montgomery" <> wrote:

Hello List.

This latest Mifflin business has me very disturbed, and brings up a
I've been meaning to ask you all for a while now: How can I be sure that
any whole stone be properly labeled as classified?

Of course there are obvious stones like Camel Donga, (all those that
alone with external character)...but up until now, only my trust in
reputations has allowed me to be comfortable, along with provenance and
labels, chain of custody, etc. Yet, now I'll hesitate to acquire whole
stones (one of my favorites is to collect wholes and
specimens)...without knowing the back-story comes from someone with

I will, however, not hesitate to buy specimens from those of you whole
continue to demonstrate honor. Reputations are as important as thorough

This recent incident is exactly what we don't need.  If there is honor
anywhere, it has been demonstrated by the refundings/returns of those
unfortunate to have been affected.  Congrats to those of you who did.

Only finding the head of the snake will put this all to rest. Or, we all
carry microprobes in our backpacks.

Richard Montgomery

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