
About 4kg recovered so far (what I have been able to glean of the web)

H5 ordinary chondrite.  From the few pics I have seen, very similar in 
appearance to Buzzard Coulee and close in classification.

Most will be owned by Slovakia.  Government laws say meteorites recovered in 
Slovakia are owned by the state.

This stone should be easily worth more than Buzzard Coulee.  Less material, 
harder to get, similar classification, recovered fall, etc..  Buzzard started 
at around $50/gram (small pieces still selling for more) and now is down to 
about $25/gram.  Kosice should be twice this or more if the government has 
grabbed all the stuff.

My Saturday morning pre coffee ramblings.



On 2011-05-28, at 5:50 AM, Michael Blood wrote:

> Hi to all,
>        I would be interested knowing what people
> Think of Kosice and what they think it is worth
> Per gram.
>        Michael
> --
> Life is too short for drama & petty things,
> Laugh insanely, Love truly and Forgive quickly.
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