Entry, descent and surface science for 2016 Mars mission
European Space Agency 
10 June 2011

ESA and NASA have announced the scientific investigations selected for
their 2016 ExoMars lander demonstrator. They will probe the atmosphere
during the descent, and return the first ever data on electrical fields
at the surface of Mars.
The EDM Entry, descent, and landing Demonstrator Module is part of the
joint ESA/NASA ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter mission to be launched in 2016
for arrival at Mars nine months later.

Although its main goal is to demonstrate European entry, descent and
landing technologies for future visits to Mars, it will also offer some
limited, but useful, scientific opportunities.

"The EDM will be landing during the dust storm season," says Jorge Vago,
ExoMars Project Scientist. "This will provide a unique chance to
characterise a dust-loaded atmosphere during entry and descent, and to
conduct interesting surface measurements associated with a dust-rich
"Although its main goal is to demonstrate European entry, descent and
landing technologies for future visits to Mars, it will also offer some
limited, but useful, scientific opportunities."

For the descent phase, two proposed investigations called Entry, Descent
and Landing (EDL) Science and IDEAS (Investigations During Entry and
Atmospheric Science) were selected and combined into one Entry and
Descent Science programme.

The joint team will use the module's entry, descent and landing
engineering data to reconstruct its trajectory and determine the
atmospheric conditions.

Once on the surface, the DREAMS (Dust characterisation, Risk assessment,
and Environment Analyser on the Martian Surface) scientific payload will
function as an environmental station for the two to four days of the
surface mission.

To achieve this, teams of scientists and engineers from nine countries
around the world will develop a dedicated suite of sensors to measure
the wind speed and direction (MetWind), humidity (MetHumi), pressure
(MetBaro) and surface temperature (MarsTem), and to determine the
transparency of the atmosphere (ODS).

DREAMS will also make the first measurements of electrical fields at the
planet's surface with its MicroARES detector. Electrical fields are
likely to be generated when grains rub against each other in the
dust-rich atmosphere, so landing during the dust storm season increases
the chance of being able to study this charging and its consequences.

In addition to the surface payload, a colour camera system on the EDM
will deliver valuable additional scientific data, as well as spectacular
images. No design has yet been chosen for the camera, but a decision is
expected before the end of this year.

"The selection of these science investigations complements the
technological goals of the EDM," says Dr Vago. "This has been an
important step that will allow our team to move on to the development of
this important mission element."
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