Hello List Members,

I have some awesome new specimens of NWA 6693 Achondrite available at
low starting bids on ebay.  This is the very unique, beautiful, and
exciting new meteorite made up of around 70% Pyroxene, 16% olivine,
and 13% plagioclase.  It has been classified at UCLA by Dr. Paul
Warren and is unlike any meteorite before it.  It's just a really
awesome meteorite and even if you are not interested in purchasing a
piece I think it is worth a look.  I managed to get some pretty good
pictures of the specimens which sparkle like crazy.  It looks just
like dunite and peridotite found here on earth.  Even my girlfriend
thinks this meteorite is pretty, which is definitely a first.  Thanks
for having a look and let me know if you have any questions.

Direct link to the specimens:


Best wishes,
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