When the moroccans began selling direct to end collectors i knew it would only 
end badly.
You can not expect to send huge sums of money overseas and get what you paid 
for. I have never once sent money  before the stone was delivered to me.
They cant rip you off that way.
Michael Farmer

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 23, 2011, at 1:03 AM, Jack Schrader <schrad...@rocketmail.com> wrote:

> I too have been had by a dishonest Moroccan dealer I am embarrassed to say.  
> I 
> have have many good dealings with this person in the past slowly building a 
> trusting meteorite buying relationship.  This person also sent me a photo of 
> a 
> meteorite that I wished to buy, a very rare type.  When I received the stone, 
> it 
> was a very obvious weathered H chondrite and not the meteorite that I agreed 
> to 
> buy and paid a great sum of money for.  This person has promised to send me 
> other meteorites to make up for the "mistake" but has not yet done so.  This 
> has 
> been going on since November 2010.  I have instead gotten many "excuses", the 
> latest being the "border problems with Algeria do not allow for him to get 
> the 
> stones" that I will accept to make up for the money owed to me as Moroccans 
> cannot send money out of the country.  I have been very patient with this 
> person 
> but I will soon expose his name to the list in order to protect other buyers 
> who 
> may fall prey to his scam.  I still hold a small glimmer of hope that he make 
> make this right but I am very doubtful at this point.  I have been patient 
> with 
> this person for more than 8 months now but I am rapidly losing my patience 
> and 
> hope that he will keep his many promises to me.  I will give this person one 
> more month to clear his name and reputation and then I will expose him to the 
> list for the thief and liar that he is in order to keep others from falling 
> prey 
> to his dishonest scam.  If he makes good, then I will owe him my apologies.  
> I have had and continue to have good dealings with no problems whatsoever 
> with 
> the following dealers: Abdelfattah Gharrad, Abdelaziz Alhyane and Ahmad 
> Bouragaa.  I would highly recommend these dealers as I have dealt with them 
> for 
> many years with no problems at all.  All very trustworthy men.  All it takes 
> is 
> a couple of rotten Moroccans to give everyone a bad name though.
> I, as Gary Fujihara does,  hate to make negative posts but also feel it 
> necessary to expose the dishonest dealers to the list.  I will keep you 
> posted 
> and I hope the list of bad Moroccan delears does not continue to grow.  These 
> are desperate times and the time to be all the more careful with our hard 
> earned 
> money.  Be careful out there.  
> Jack
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: Gary Fujihara <fuj...@mac.com>
> To: MeteorList <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Wed, June 22, 2011 2:57:25 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Warning about Lahcen Ait Ha
> Aloha all,
> I want to warn everyone about a dishonorable dealer of meteorites who lives 
> in 
> Morocco by the name of Lahcen Ait Ha.  Lahcen offered a 748g lot of NWA 859 
> Taza 
> iron meteorites by showing me pictures of them by email.  I purchased the 
> lot, 
> but when I received his package, I realized that the material he sent me was 
> not 
> the same as the ones in the pictures.  Not only that, but I have doubts 
> whether 
> the material is meteoritic at all.  Needless to say, I returned the material 
> immediately and contacted Lahcen to get a refund.  He has stalled and to this 
> point has refused to return my money.  Several honorable Moroccan meteorite 
> dealers have contacted Lahcen to talk sense into him to return my money, but 
> these efforts have been fruitless.  I have now waited over two months for 
> resolution and yet there is no solution in sight, despite my efforts and 
> those 
> of my friends in Morocco.  
> http://bigkahuna-meteorites.com/_BogusTaza.jpg
> I must say that the vast majority of meteorite dealers in Morocco are of 
> unquestionable integrity and good character.  It is a pity that such a person 
> is 
> able to continue to perpetrate his fraudulent actions there.  
> I implore all to NEVER DEAL WITH Lahcen Ait Ha.
> I never make posts like this because I have never had a need to do so.  But 
> extenuating circumstances have forced me to make this public immediately to 
> protect others from being victimized by this person.  Thank you for your 
> understanding and caveat emptor.
> Gary Fujihara
> Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
> 105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
> http://bigkahuna-meteorites.com/
> http://shop.ebay.com/fujmon/m.html  
> (808) 640-9161
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