Hello list - 

I have some dinosaur fossils that will be going up for auction and thought I 
would take a moment to offer them to anyone on the METlist first. I'm willing 
to discuss trade for meteorites, so if there are any real fossil lovers out 
there interested just get back to me this week before I go to auction.

There are 4 fossils total.

2 compressed Camarasaurus vertebrae and 1 uncompressed Camarasaurus vertebrae

The fourth fossil , the shorter more round vertebrae is a posterior dorsal 
vertabra of the ornithopod dinosaur, Camptosaurus (likely C. dispar). It could 
be the 15th dorsal(the penultimate one).

These are some rare finds and they are legally found on private property.

If anyone is interested or would consider meteorite trades, email me. I love 
all meteorites, so there is no such thing as one unworthy of trade.......except 
perhaps a bucket of Nantan rust.

Thanks for looking.


Warren Sansoucie
St. Louis MO

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