Hi List,

While the 'heat-tile' subject is still 'hot' and since our beloved fleet nears the end of its 'scheduled missions' I offer a story, and invite others after this:

(Stick with my personal indulgences along the way...especially those of us have music in common....they will pay off!)

START: back when I witnessed the hand-helf Heat-Tile firing with the acetalyne torch (1978-80?), at a party, I was a guitarist in a 5x bluegrass band: Steve, a banjo guy, but this time playing bass; Buzz, another guitarist; Dave, banjo-player extrodinaire; and me, newbe guitar guy.

MIDDLE: One day, between tunes, we all sat around and shared our future passions....Buzz said he wanted to be a software designer in Silicon Valley after he finished his electrical engineering degree (we were all at UCDavis); Dave wanted to go on to be accepted for his Masters somewhere and be a farm advisor; I wanted to continue studying guitar and somehow be David Grisman's guitar player, following Tony Rice and Mark O'Connor in the role (good luck, me!); and Steve said he wanted to be an astronaut.

This was in 1978......Really?!!!

All of us achieved our goals...Buzz, yes; Dave, yes; Me yes....and.....

Steve Robinson....banjo-player extrodinaire....yet more noteably known for his stellar Mission Specialty trips up to the Space Shuttle. (Those of you in the know, KNOW!) I captured the DVR from the NASA-channel, watching my music pal inspecting the tiles in zero gravity....

How cool is that!!!

-Richard Montgoemry

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