Hi All,
I have (5) different meteorites packaged in a nice auction lot that END later tonight, including a very nice 42 gram Unclassified (with nice metal flecks showing), a burly 22 gram nice thick slice of Wadi Mellene, a very nice 6 plus gram piece of Bassi w/some fusion crust and two others, including a NWA 2696 Howardite and a nice small piece of the Tishka/Tamdahkt meteorite from the Dec. 2008 fall.

Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120744710289&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

*Please Note: If someone from the Met list buys this set of (5) Meteorites, just mention that you are a list member and I will ship them to you FREE---as long as you live in the USA.*

Thanks for taking a look. I do appreciate it.
Best Always,

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