Bill S and Listers,
The first documented USA court case of a meteorite battle over ownership of a 
meteorite was the Forst City meteorite, which fell in 1890 in Iowa. 
In the case, Goddard v. Winchell, 52 N.W. 1124 (Iowa 1892), the court said yes. 
In that case, an ownership dispute arose after a large meteorite fell onto 
prairie land in Forest City, Iowa, embedding itself three feet into the 
ground.The "grass rights" tenant sold the meteorite to a collector, and the 
landlord claimed title. The court held that, since the meteorite in question 
had been found below the surface of the ground, it had in effect become part of 
the realty. And since fixtures cannot be removed unilaterally by tenants, 
ownership of the meteorite was awarded to the landlord. The court reasoned, "It 
was not a movable thing 'on the ground.' It was in the earth, and in a very 
significant sense, immovable."
Here is another great write up on another website about the same court case of 
Forest City meteorite.

Ownership Determined By Supreme Court 

On May 2, 1890, Large Meteor Roared Across Sky and Exploded, Spreading 
Meteorites Over Ground 
Late in the afternoon of May 2, 1890, people in northern Iowa were startled by 
the appearance of a great fireball in the west which eclipsed for a moment the 
sunlight of an almost cloudless sky. Traveling at incredible speed from the 
southwest the meteor roared across the sky sputtering and throwing off a long 
train of sparks. The dazzling head, likened to the moon in size, left a heavy 
line of black smoke in its water, distinctly marking the meteor's course 
through the heavens. They story of the Forest City meteor, as it was named, it 
told by Ben Hur Wilson in a recent number of "The Palimpsest," published by the 
State Historical Society of Iowa at Iowa City. 
Few meteors have been more widely observed in their passage, perhaps on account 
of the time of day and the ideal weather conditions existing at the time. 
Authentic reports came from Des Moines, Mason City, Fort Dodge, Emmetsburg, 
Algona, Ruthven, Humboldt, Britt, Garner, Grinnell, Sioux City, and points 
outside of Iowa. For many miles around Winnebago county, the noise sounded like 
heavy cannonading accompanied by a hissing and a tremor which caused people to 
rush from their houses to inquire the cause. 
The meteor descended at an angle variously judged to incline from 50 degrees to 
55 degrees with the horizon, and to the eye its course was apparently from the 
southwest to the northeast. The final explosion occurred over Winnebago county 
about eleven miles northwest of Forest City. An area some three or four miles 
in length ad from one and one-half to two miles in width was showered with 
meteorites. Although this meteoric field was adjacent to the town of Thompson, 
it was readily accessible from Forest City, the county seat. Inasmuch as most 
of the publicity emanated from the latter place, the meteor became known as the 
Forest City meteor, though Thompson would have been a more accurate 
geographical designation. Of the larger meteorites recovered from this field, 
two were found weighing approximately four pounds each, one of ten pounds, 
another sixty-six, and the largest eighty-one pounds. Several hundred smaller 
pieces ranged in weight from less than an
 ounce to almost a pound. 
Newspapers throughout the surrounding country carried reports of the meteor and 
scientists became interested at once in recovering fragments for museums. 
Within a day or two after the appearance of the meteor, Hans Matterson brought 
a few broken fragments to Forest City and left them on display at a local 
hardware store. 
Matterson reported that a neighbor Peter Hoagland, has found a stone "as large 
as a water-bucket." About this time Horace V. Winchell, assistant State 
Geologist representing the University of Minnesota, arrived in Forest City. He 
went directly to the Hoagland farm and tried to purchase the stone. Before 
terms could be agreed upon a second purchaser arrived. Bidding became spirited 
but Winchell persisted, and finally purchased the fragment for more than a 
hundred dollars. 
Having paid Hoagland in cash. Winchell placed the meteorite in the back of his 
buggy and drove back to town. At Forest City he packed the stone in a strong 
box, took it to the express office, and consigned it to Minneapolis. 
Meanwhile his competitor, learning that the stone had not fallen on Hoagland's 
land but across the road, secured a write of replevin in the name of the owner 
of the land on which the stone had fallen. Armed with his writ, the sheriff 
went to the express office and took possession of the box. 
The district court in Winnebago county decided that the stone belongs to the 
owner of the land when it had fallen. Hoagland, therefore was compelled to 
surrender the money he had received. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court 
of Iowa but before this tribunal had rendered a decision the University of 
Minnesota had secured the meteorite through a second writ or replevin. In 
October, 1892, the Supreme Court of Iowa sustained the finding of the lower 
court, and suit was brought against the University of Minnesota on its replevin 
bond. The jury assessed the value of the meteorite at nearly five times the 
original value fixed by the court, which sum was cheerfully paid, and the stone 
was deposited in the museum of the University where it has remained to this 

-source: Iowa Recorder; Greene, Butler co. Iowa; July 1929 
The Estherville meteorite is a case where a third party took the ownership of 
the meteorite from the owners...

The lively interest manifest at Estherville led the farm boys to realize the 
commercial value of the meteorite. Loading it into a wagon, they set out across 
Minnesota, displaying a large sign that read: “ I am the Heavenly Meteor. I 
arrived May 10th at 5 o‟clock. My weight is 437 pounds. from whence I came 
nobody knows, but I am enroute for Chicago!”
Hearing that their ownership was being questioned, the boys returned to 
Estherville, wrapped their treasure in quilts and buried it in Osborn‟s 
cornfield. Later, feeling secure in their ownership, they moved it to the home 
of one of the group, Chester Rewey.

Charles N Birge, an attorney from Keokuk, through Lee‟s temporary default in 
payment on his farm purchased from the railroad company, made claim to the 
land. On the strength of this, he obtained a writ of attachment on the 
meteorite, which permitted him to take it away from Rewey‟s farm. Later he sold 
it to the British Museum for a reputedly large sum. In the following October, 
the Lee‟s were deeded their farm by Birge.


Shawn Alan 
IMCA 1633 


[meteorite-list] Lorton Meteorite: Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers
bill kies parkforestmet at 
Fri Jul 15 23:29:22 EDT 2011 

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They didn't find it, it found them. And, even though it was unprecedented in 
Virginia, Sylacauga comes to mind. The meteorite was returned to the Hodgeses. 
Does anyone know of a similar case or cases that went the other way? In favor 
of the landlord or a third party? 

> From: joshuatreemuseum at 

> To: meteorite-list at 

> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 22:41:46 -0400 

> Subject: [meteorite-list] Lorton Meteorite: Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers 


> You find it , it's yours!: 






> Phil Whitmer 


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