Morning all!

I just posted some pictures of the Nininger Museum on my way to and
from the Holbrook hunt.

Warning, they are untouched and about 5mb each.  I thought maybe some
of you would like to see this place in it's current state.  Note the
clear blue skies!  Awesome weekend!
They are in the scrapbook at


Jim Wooddell

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Ruben Garcia <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> While there are still some hunters in the field I can honestly say
> this has been a great success. Believe it or not, this was the most
> successful hunt I have personally witnessed in Holbrook. One hunter
> walked away with nearly a pound of beautiful - 99 year old -Holbrook
> meteorites.  Yes, he did win the “largest find” trophy!
> We had world class hunters, Nick Gessler, Bob Verish, Moni Waiblinger
> as well as Erik and Ben Fisler that came to share their knowledge and
> expertise with new hunters. A few of these future “Hall of Fame”
> Hunters shocked and inspired us all with the shear number and size of
> their finds! I have great footage of the spectacular specimens found!
> Over 50 people attended and 47 participated in yesterdays hunt.
> Imagine this, all but 10 found one or more meteorites. However, NO ONE
> went home empty handed.
> Except for Larry’s mutli-pound specimen of a few years ago this hunt
> was the most successful in the last 10-20 years – at least that I know
> of…..
> I am currently editing footage of this hunt that will go down as one
> to be remembered.
> I won’t spoil the surprise just yet but I think everyone will be
> shocked at how much was recovered and how the “Mighty Holbrook Strewn
> Field” is still giving up!
> I’m happy to report that I witnessed NO arguing, No trash left behind,
> NO trouble whatsoever!
> So, thanks to all that attended and thanks for making us all look good.
> Stay tuned for video and photos!
> --
> Rock On!
> Ruben Garcia
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