Wow Sonny What a great find . I cant wait to see some photos of it. I am totally jealous & stuck here in the Wet & Cold Shetland Islands in Scotland a bit longer. But I have been looking for that chance in a million or billion that a meteorite may have been stacked years back in the very very old rocks walls that are are over the islands here . No such luck yet on that dream, but I do get to see lots of bunnies watching me .

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

From: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:28 PM
To: <>
Subject: [meteorite-list] From Meteorites to Mammoths

Hi List,

I wanted to share some exciting news about a phone call I recently received.

While I was out in the field looking for meteorites I came across some fossilized bones that were eroding out of the desert ground. I took a few pictures and showed them to the agency responsible for that area. They called me the other day to let me know that what I had found was a Mammoth! I don't believe any Mammoth's have been found at this location before. I hope to post some pictures of this when I get home.

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