To me it sounds like someone has, at best, been naive and not done their 
homework.  Caveat emptor applies when you're buying a pint of milk; it 
certainly applies if you're ponying up a quarter million bucks.

A quarter million dollars on something, mail order, for something only viewed 
in photographs?  For real? 

I think that this discussion should make people think carefully about their 
deals - both from whom they buy, and to whom they sell.

Nonetheless - as Farmer says, either they did or they didn't refuse to refund.  
IF they didn't (minus a reasonable handling deduction) then they're in the 


On 2 Aug 2011, at 15:19, Matthias Bärmann wrote:

> Mr. Jain wrote:
>> "I am very new to the meteorite collection" ...
>> "3 days learning about meteorites and their classification" (...)
> He also wrote:
>> "I also did a bit of research on them and was not thrilled with their 
>> quality."
>> "I wanted to return Lunar Kreep because it just doesnâ•˙t look right to me" 
>> (...)
>> "makes me think that what they sold me are either fakes or very low quality 
>> stuff" (...)
> Sounds somehow strange, no?
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