What happens when you run collectstatic?
If I recall correctly, one of the differences between "DEBUG = False" and 
"DEBUG  = True" is that the former will use static files from Mezzanine's 
codebase and the latter will search for static files in your project 
folders. The collectstatic command will show you where the files are being 
pulled from and where they are being put. Then you can tell if your static 
files settings match up with what Mezzanine expects. That might at least 
give you more information. 

On Sunday, 16 March 2014 00:43:47 UTC-7, Jesse Carrigan wrote:
> I've been poking at static files on Mezzanine for several days trying to 
> tease out what is wrong. Here's what I think I know:
> I am using Fabric to deploy Mezzanine onto a Vagrant VM.
> I have been getting an "Internal Server Error" message when 
> setting DEBUG = False. When DEBUG = True, the site loads fine. Per the docs 
> this appears to be due to the static files not being served in the first 
> case.
> Initially, I found in the ngnix error logs that there was a problem with 
> permissions on the projectname/project/static folder where all the static 
> files had been copied during the Fabric deploy. The server was denied 
> permission to the favicon.ico file. It looked like the ngnix user did not 
> have the appropriate permissions to the top-level /home folder (700 with 
> root:root), and thus couldn't access the project folder. 
> After looking at the staticfiles docs in Django it looked like the best 
> thing to do was to move the static files into a location like /var/www/
> example.com/static and serve them from there. I created the directory, 
> copied the static files, and changed the ngnix config file for the site to 
> serve the static files from that location. I also set STATIC_ROOT in 
> local_settings.py to that location.
> However, I continued to get the same "Internal Server Error" message with 
> DEBUG = False. However, the ngnix errors are no longer coming up, and 
> nothing is showing up in the console of the browser either. Any suggestions 
> on the next step? 

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