
I want to add a "location" field to BlogPost, of type PointField, and 
benefit from the map integration in the admin.

Which means:

- BlogPost must inherit from django.contrib.gis.db.models.Model;
- the "objects" manager must be a GeoManager;
- the admin must inherit from OSMGeoAdmin.

As for now, I must copy/paste BlogPost code in my project and make those 
changes appropriately. But the original BlogPost class is referenced in 
views and forms (and feeds but I don't need to export the geometric 

So a first step would be to add a "BLOG_POST_MODEL" setting, probably using 
the "swappable" API.

But copy/pasting Mezzanine code is no fun and complicates maintenance. I 
thought of splitting BlogPost into BaseBlogPost (or AbstractBlogPost 
#namingthings) being a abstract model and just an empty BlogPost class.

What do you think? Am I making things complicated just to benefit from 
geodjango? Was making BlogPost "swappable" already considered?

Thanks for your advice

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