Hi Kiko,

For your injected fields, I believe you will first need to create a South

python manage.py schemamigration --auto cartridge


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Kiko Fernández <
kikofernandezre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am having some troubles running the migrations in cartridge.
> On the master branch, I get an error (Could not load shop.Category(pk=7))
> when executing:
> python manage.py syncdb
> python manage.py migrate
> The only change I have done to the default project (created using 
> mezzanine-project
> -a cartridge project_name) was injecting new fields to the Product model.
>     ("cartridge.shop.models.Product.sparkling",
>      "BooleanField",
>      (), {}),
> )
> Versions
> Cartridge==0.9.5
> Django==1.6.5
> Mezzanine==3.1.9
> Pillow==2.5.3
> PyPDF2==1.23
> South==0.8.2
> beautifulsoup4==4.1.3
> bleach==1.4
> filebrowser-safe==0.3.5
> future==0.9.0
> grappelli-safe==0.3.12
> html5lib==0.999
> oauthlib==0.6.3
> pytz==2014.4
> reportlab==3.1.8
> requests==2.3.0
> requests-oauthlib==0.4.1
> six==1.7.3
> tzlocal==1.0
> wsgiref==0.1.2
> xhtml2pdf==0.0.6
> Steps
> How to reproduce the error:
>    1. mezzanine-project -a cartridge project_name
>    2. Add the EXTRA_MODELS_FIELDS in settings.py
>    3. python manage.py syncdb
>    4. python manage.py migrate
> Error message
> Running migrations for shop:
> - Migrating forwards to 0025_auto__add_field_order_site.
> > core:0001_initial
> > pages:0001_initial
> > shop:0001_initial
> > shop:0002_auto__add_field_category_price_max__add_field_category_sale__add_field
> > shop:0003_auto
> > shop:0004_auto__del_field_product__keywords__add_field_product_site__add_field_p
> > shop:0005_auto__add_field_product_rating_count__add_field_product_rating_average
> > shop:0006_auto__chg_field_product_content__chg_field_category_content
> > shop:0007_auto__add_field_productimage__order
> > shop:0008_auto__add_field_order_transaction_id
> > shop:0009_auto__add_field_product_gen_description
> > shop:0010_auto__chg_field_product_title__chg_field_product_slug
> > shop:0011_auto__add_uses_remaining
> > shop:0012_allow_100_percent_discount
> > shop:0012_auto__chg_field_cart_last_updated
> > shop:0013_auto__chg_field_productvariation_sku__add_field_product_num_in_stock
> > shop:0014_stock_data
> - Migration 'shop:0014_stock_data' is marked for no-dry-run.
>  ...
> django.db.utils.OperationalError: Problem installing fixture 
> '/Users/kiko/Envs/LaCaveVivante/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cartridge/shop/fixtures/cartridge_required.json':
>  Could not load shop.Category(pk=7): no such column: featured_image
> Note
> The error disappears if *south* is *not installed* but I kind of need
> south since the project has already some migrations.
> Any idea why I get this error?
> Thanks!
> --
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