Using Mezzanine Pagedown==0.8, I seem to get jQuery conflicts whenever I am 
logged in and viewing my site
doing inline editing. 

It appears that the Pagedown widget `mezzanine_pagedown/` re-adds 
the jQuery library, and this is conflicting with the
jQuery library I added in my base.html (despite it being the same version 
from This manifests in my slider/dropdown menu and
other jQuery elements stopping functioning when I am logged in, and also 
means the Mezzanine Pagedown preview breaks when editing inline
blog post text.  I get lots of the "blah blah is not a function" errors in 
firebug. It looks like it is because $ is being overwritten when jQuery lib 
is included
for the second time.

If I disable my scripts from the `base.html` head then the pagedown editor 
works correctly, if I disable pagedown (either by simply logging out,
by commenting out `{% include "includes/footer_scripts.html" %}`, or just 
commenting out `{{ richtext_media|safe }}` from 
then the jQuery elements like the slider work correctly again.

So in summary: how can I use jQuery on my pages (for slider, dropdowns 
etc), whilst using Pagedown for inline editing? Does anyone else experience 
this problem,
and any tips?

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