Replying to myself again...

I thought I'd try this with a brand new site, using the latest
Mezzanine/Cartridge stuff from master prior to the 4.0.1 release.

BTW... it's still a problem :D

Setup steps:
1. mezzanine-project -a cartridge mez401
2. Edit requirements.txt to be:
3. Edit mez401/, uncomment the SSLRedirectMiddelware line
4. Edit mez401/, set up FABRIC dictionary to deploy to my
vagrant VM
5. fab all
Hooray, deployment works, and I can visit the site and log in to admin.
6. Admin->Settings, set Enable SSL to true.

Now, to test the TinyMCE issues:
On Admin side, create a new page, select some text, click the "Insert/Edit
Link" button... nothing happens (no popup)
Upload some pictures to the Media Library

On main site, edit a page using yellow EDIT button, click the "Insert/Edit
Image" button.
Dialog pops up, click browse button (folder/magnifying glass) next to Source
Next screen pops up saying "Select image to insert" but the rest of it is
blank - I'm not even seeing the Media Library browser here.

Browser debug console has the error message: "Load denied by
X-Frame-Options: does not
permit cross-origin framing. <unknown>"

Can anyone help please?

Surely this is a standard setup for most websites? (admin, shop etc under
https and the main site not) Can we get this fixed before the 4.0.1 release?


Seeya. Danny.

On 23 July 2015 at 17:15, Danny <> wrote:

>  I'm now convinced that both of my issues are https/SSL related.
> The media library image select works under https but not http, because the
> Media library browser is under the /admin path (which is https)
> The insert/edit link box relies on displayable_links.js which is http, so
> it works through the 'front' side but not under admin.
> Has anyone managed to get this working on a site with SSL enabled for the
> /admin path?
> Seeya. Danny.
> On 23/07/2015 1:08 PM, Danny wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm hoping someone can either replicate my issue or help me debug it.
> Using Mezzanine master (as of 23/7/15), on my deployed site, I can't
> select an image from the Media Library to insert it into a page when
> Inserting/Editing an image.
> This is editing via the main site's Yellow EDIT buttons, not on the admin
> side. (on the Admin side, it works)
> i.e. this button:
> The javascript error shown in the Firebug console is "Error: Permission
> denied to access property "tinymce" on FB_TinyMCE4.js line 4, col 8
> That script is, with line 4 in bold:
> var FileBrowserDialogue = {
>     fileSubmit : function (FileURL) {
>         parentWin = (!window.frameElement && window.dialogArguments) ||
> opener || parent || top;
> *        tinymce = tinyMCE = parentWin.tinymce;*
>         self.editor = tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor;
>         self.params = self.editor.windowManager.getParams();
>         parentWin.document.getElementById(self.params.input).value =
> FileURL;
>         self.editor.windowManager.close(parentWin);
>     }
> };
> The same actions work perfectly fine when running development/DEBUG=True.
> The other problem that still persists in Mezzanine 4 (and has been around
> for a while, even with earlier TinyMCE versions), is that the Insert/Edit
> Link dialog does not pop up if editing a Page on the Admin side - I suspect
> this is because it is behind https/SSL here, and something is going wrong
> there.
> The error given in Firebug is "Blocked loading mixed active content
> "";
> <>"
> Is there a workaround for loading the Filebrowser/TinyMCE content when
> behind https?
> There used to be an issue with the 'asset_proxy' prefix that could be
> solved by substituting the SLL Middleware, but I don't think that's the
> smart thing to do.
> These two are possibly the last hurdles I need resolved before upgrading
> my site to Mezzanine 4.
> Seeya. Danny.

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