
thank you so much for your reply.

Yes, 'myapp' is listed in the INSTALLED_APPS

This' why the static files I have installed loads ok.  When i put the {% 
load nimbisshop_tags %} on top of my index.html file I get this error

'nimbisshop_tags' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of: 
accounts_tags admin_list admin_modify admin_static admin_urls blog_tags 
cache comment_tags comments compress disqus_tags fb_csrf fb_pagination 
fb_tags future highlighting i18n indent_text keyword_tags l10n log 
mezzanine_tags pages_tags rating_tags shop_tags static staticfiles 
syntax_color truncate_letters twitter_tags tz widont

Your reply would be greatly appreciated.


On Tuesday, 16 August 2016 03:02:59 UTC+1, Jesse Ramirez wrote:
> Like so, usually at the very top of the file:
> {% load nimbisshop_tags %}
> this could also be:
> {% load nimbisshop_tags, static, mezzanine_tags, "and so on ..." %}
> also remember that with: <yourapp>/templatetags/nimbisshop_tags.py, 
> 'yourapp' needs to be included in INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py.
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 5:26 PM, akos1234 <gorge...@msn.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hello Brian,
>> I am trying to load do as suggested below but I get an error -
>> Invalid block tag on line 114: 'nimbisshop_latest'. Did you forget to 
>> register or load this tag?
>> I get the error inside my index.html
>> I thought it was due to a nested tag but I moved it outside, still the 
>> message persists. 
>> add nimbisshop_tags to the {% load list %}
>> Could anyone explain the above a little bit more, please? Anything I am 
>> missing out?
>> Thanking you regards
>> On Wednesday, 5 December 2012 20:04:10 UTC, Brian Schott wrote:
>>> Here is a quick copy paste of what we do if you want to use a 
>>> templatetag as a starting point.
>>> Brian
>>> templates/pages/index.html
>>> == add nimbisshop_tags to the {% load list %}
>>> == insert something like this:
>>> <h3> Latest Software </h3>
>>> {% nimbisshop_latest "catalog" "span2" 3 %}
>>> <yourapp>/templatetags/nimbisshop_tags.py 
>>> ===
>>> from cartridge.shop.models import Category, Product
>>> register = template.Library()
>>> @register.inclusion_tag("includes/nimbisshop_latest.html")
>>> def nimbisshop_latest(category, span, count):
>>>     try:
>>>         category = Category.objects.get(slug=category)
>>>         products = category.products.filter(
>>>             available=True).order_by('-publish_date')[0:count]
>>>     except Category.DoesNotExist:
>>>         products = []
>>>     return {'span': span, 'products': products}
>>> ===
>>> <yourapp>/templates/includes/nimbisshop_latest.html 
>>> ===
>>> {% load static %}
>>> <ul class="thumbnails">
>>> {% for p in products %}
>>>   <li class="{{ span }}">
>>>     <div class="thumbnail">
>>>     <a href="{{ p.get_absolute_url }}">
>>>       <img 
>>>       src="{% get_media_prefix %}{{ p.image }}" alt="">
>>>       <h4>{{ p.title }}</h4></a>
>>>     </div>
>>>   </li>
>>> {% endfor %}
>>> </ul>
>>> ===
>>> On Dec 5, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Ken Bolton <kenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jesse,
>>> Mezzanine and Cartridge are "just" Django applications, which is 
>>> probably my favorite thing about the stack. To get a list of products onto 
>>> the homepage, start by adding a custom view that adds the queryset of 
>>> Products you want to the context, set that view in the url pattern, then 
>>> iterate over the context list in the template.
>>> Let us know if you need more specific details.
>>> best,
>>> Ken
>>> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Jesse Ramirez <jesus.rami...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure if this has been covered, but what is the best/recommended 
>>>> way of adding products to the homepage in mezzanine with cartridge? 
>>> -- 
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