> This practice doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It may be easier to get 
> going but you're testing an environment that still isn't very 
> production-like. 
I have tested it with nginx handling static files and waitress running the 
app. The issue persists.

> loc
> Due to the above reasoning, I'm doubtful anyone will be inspired to fix 
> this. Setting up production static asset serving will probably be easier 
> and you need to do it eventually anyway.

 I think this is not an production environment issue but bug in mezzanine 
(mezzanine.gallery ?).

Can anybody confirm the issue ?

   - internationalization enabled *USE_I18N = True*
   - supported language in *LANGUAGES = (('de', _('German')), …)*
   - instance environment locales setting *LANGUAGE_CODE = 'de'*
   - *DEBUG = False* in local_settings.py, of course
   - *mezzanine.galleries* enabled in *INSTALLED_APPS*
   - use of *MEDIA_URL* in a template

Django 1.8.17

Mezzanine 4.2.2

Can reporoduce in a fresh project generated from mezznine's template.

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