On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 3:42 AM, CJWalther <cjwalt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> On Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 3:40:46 AM UTC+1, Akhlaq Rao wrote:
>> Sorry I miss interpreted, did you select the site while creating this
>> user?
> I just tried with adding yet another user: While creating it in the first
> step there is no site to select. This comes in a second step while
> configuring the user account. There there is only one site entry (
> and selecting, meaning highlighting it, not only doesn't
> change anything but also is kind of counter-intuitive...

You're right it's not very intuitive. Like Ryne said we recently added a
warning message when you edit the user without selecting site permissions.
Perhaps we could also make the site selection step automatic when only one
site exists.

As for your issue though, I can't reproduce it. I create a user without
selecting the site, and they get the same error as you do. Then after
selecting the (one and only) site for that user, they can then access the
(empty looking, sans individual edit/group permissions being given) admin

To go into a bit more detail on the common mistake Ryne mentioned - be sure
to *actually select* the site. It's a multi-select list that contains one
or more sites in it, their presence in the form field merely indicates that
they're a site that's available to grant permission to - you still need to
select each (and in your case only) one.

If you've certainly definitely absolutely 100% done that, and triple
checked that your selection persisted when you saved the user by going to
the edit view again and checking it, then I can only suggest that the host
for the site isn't matching the host being used to access the site when
trying to log into the admin area. If you're developing locally, you're
probably using a port number other than 80, so the host in the site record
should contain that too, eg and not just Also
note that "localhost" and "" are not the same thing for this
purpose - the site checking code doesn't perform DNS lookups, it just
literally compares the host header (of the browser requesting the site) to
the value you entered into the admin for the site record. (Note that all
this should be done for you automatically during development if you
followed the documented setup instructions.)

If you're not doing the standard local development setup, and are using a
separate web server to proxy requests to the Django app, be sure it's also
configured correctly to pass on the HTTP_HOST header. If you have say nginx
serving on mysite.com and proxying requests to the Django app listening on, the host header the Django app will see will be if nginx doesn't pass on the correct host header (mysite.com

Hope this helps.

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