Also (and I know I've posted this a ton lately, but I think it's relevant) here's a talk describing the general steps I follow when building apps for Mezzanine:

It touches on how to uses Mezzanine's models, admin, and template utilities.

On 2017-10-11 7:08 PM, Eduardo Rivas wrote:

Hi Tom.

You need to register your model in the admin. You can use as an example:

This admin configuration is a bit complex, so I recommend you become familiar with Django's admin in general before diving into it. Have you completed the official Django tutorial? It should introduce you to all these concepts:

On 2017-10-11 7:02 PM, Tom Tanner wrote:

Hey all,

When I go to the Admin section of my site, I see the "Blog posts" under "Content" on the left. I want to make a new "Content" section called "Projects." It would be similar to a page of blog posts. But I'm not sure how to start doing this.

Here's what my app's `` looks like.

from__future__ importunicode_literals

fromdjango.db importmodels
fromdjango.core.urlresolvers importreverse
fromdjango.utils.translation importugettext_lazy as_

frommezzanine.conf importsettings
frommezzanine.core.fields importFileField
frommezzanine.core.models importDisplayable,Ownable,RichText,Slugged
frommezzanine.generic.fields importCommentsField,RatingField
frommezzanine.utils.models importAdminThumbMixin,upload_to

# Create your models here.

 A page representing the format of the page that
 has links to standalone, project projects

 categories =models.ManyToManyField("ProjectCategory",
 allow_comments =models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_("Allow comments"),
 comments =CommentsField(verbose_name=_("Comments"))
 featured_image =FileField(verbose_name=_("Featured Image"),
 related_posts =models.ManyToManyField("self",
 verbose_name=_("Related posts"),blank=True)
 admin_thumb_field ="featured_image"

   verbose_name=_("Project link")
   verbose_name_plural=_("Project links")

 A category for grouping project links into a series

   verbose_name=_("Project Category")
   verbose_name_plural=_("Project Categories")
I basically copied a section of `mezzanine/blog/`.

But "Projects" won't show up in my Admin menu. What am I doing wrong?
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