I'm very new to Mezzanine. Been working with it for about a week and a half 
now. And let me say, once you get your head around the structure and 
methodology, it's just an awesome framework!  
So nice to break away from the standard CMS offerings and gain full control.

I've setup a local dev environment and a remote Linode production server. 
it took a minute but I got deployment through Fabric worked out and it's 
now working well, and repeatable. 
I'm using postgres as my database platform and the one thing that was 
giving me a bit if a fit is syncing the local and remote databases. I've  
tried the django and fab bacup and restore 
utilities but they are prone to a number of permissions issues. These could 
be resolved but it would require a change in my established project 
structure, or relatively extensive changes to 
the dev and production environments or postgres servers. I wanted something 
that required fewer changes to the default environments. I finally came up 
with a method that is working well, at least for now.
It could no doubt be automated via a set of Fabric tasks. But i thought I'd 
share my "manual" method for those having the same issue. It may be a 
little unorthodox but it's working well, and is repeatable.

Here it s...

*Keeping in mind that this will delete any db based content or user data on 
the remote db.* But for initial development it's great! And I believe it 
could be easily modified to backup and restore only those tables required 
for the site structure and content. 
I suppose you could also do this in reverse to sync the dev db to the 
production db for backup and to make sure you're developing and testing 
against real world data.

*On development server:*
sudo -u postgres pg_dump <db name> > dump.sql

sed -i -e 's/<development db role>/<production db role>/g' dump.sql *(NOTE: 
This is only required if the local and remote db roles are not the same.)*

scp ./dump.sql <remote user created during 'fab secure'>@<server IP>:<path 
to where the dump file should be placed on production server>/dump.sql

*On production server: NOT*E 
dropdb -h localhost -U <db role> <db name> 
sudo -u postgres createdb -O <role> <db name>
sudo -u postgres <db name> < <path of dump file on production 

I'm certain there are many other methods to get this don but this is what I 
came up with. 
I've developed this under the conditions specific to my dev and production 
environments so any comments, suggestions or questions are more than 

Cheers! :)

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