Haven't tried this but I think it should work. It is an extra DB table but doesn't require monkey patching anything and it can leave in its own app:

Create a new model called LastUpdate or TimeStamp, with a datetime field and a generic relation <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/contrib/contenttypes/#generic-relations> to any model. Then use signals attached to the models you're interested in to update_or_create LastUpdate instances when a model is saved according to your criteria.

Now you should have a reverse relation in BlogPost (and any model you want) to get the LastUpdate instance. If that doesn't work you should still be able to filter LastUpdate instances by ContenType and PK.

On 2018-04-13 10:33 AM, Chris Hawes wrote:
I want to display a timestamp on each BlogPost showing when the post was last updated. My first attempt at this was to just show the `updated` timestamp from the TimeStamped superclass. However, this timestamp is bumped up every time the post is saved for any reason. For instance if a user adds a comment, BlogPost gets saved in order to update its comment_count field, and `updated` gets bumped as a result. That's no good.

I also have two other RichText-TimeStamped classes that require similar functionality. Since I own those classes, the obvious thing would be to make an abstract superclass that adds a new modified timestamp field and updates it appropriately on save.

But what do I do about BlogPost? I don't own it so my options are limited, and I am struggling to come up with a nice way to handle it.

  * I could add a field through EXTRA_MODEL_FIELDS and monkey patch
    BlogPost.save() to update it. But I would prefer to use the same
    logic for the other two classes as for BlogPost.
  * I could monkey patch TimeStamped.save(), but would have to put a
    super ugly hack so that it only affects the 3 subclasses that I
    care about.
  * Subclassing BlogPost might be an option, but it would create a new
    table, which is not fun, plus I already have a bunch of existing
    blog posts so I'm not sure offhand what I'd do about those.

I am wondering if anyone has a better idea? Is there a nice way to handle cases like this that I am missing?
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